March 18, 2000 7:39 PM   Subscribe

Smithereens? On whose blog did I find a link last week about Pat DiNizio, late of the Smithereens, (a) running for New York senate and (b) whoring himself out to anyone who wants him to perform in their living room, assuming you find 100 people paying $25 each and hand over 80% of that cash to Pat?

As I now know all too well, browsers, including (in this case) MSIE 4 for Windows, do a lousy job of remembering all the pages you've visited, forcing us to resort to the hackneyed "Did anybody read that article, and if so where?" technique straight out of a Howard Hawks film. Any help appreciated.

posted by joeclark (3 comments total)
did you mean New Jersey senate? And with the reform party, no less....

posted by jessamyn at 7:47 PM on March 18, 2000

I think he's in town for SXSW, because I heard him on KLBJ yesterday. While I can't help you find the link, he did mention (b) quite a bit.
posted by veruca at 2:07 PM on March 19, 2000

Have I mentioned recently that the Smithereens played my 8th grade graduation dance in New Providence, NJ in 1980?
posted by plinth at 3:32 PM on March 19, 2000

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