Resurget cineribus
July 11, 2012 11:55 AM   Subscribe

Historic Detroit - some urban architectural history in a nice online format.

Would like to see some domestic/vernacular architecture - storefronts and house types -added.
posted by Miko (6 comments total) 10 users marked this as a favorite
I've had great luck finding interesting historic photos of Detroit (which I live near) and other areas by visiting the Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Online Catalog and searching for "HABS Detroit" or "HAER Detroit" (both without the quotes).

This finds loads of fascinating photos from the Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) and Historic American Engineering Record (HAER).
posted by c0nsumer at 11:59 AM on July 11, 2012 [4 favorites]

This is great, thank you. I visited Detroit for the first time last weekend, actually, and found it a very fascinating city. I look forward to perusing this site and finding out more about what I saw and wondered about during my visit.
posted by urbanlenny at 12:14 PM on July 11, 2012

Thank you for posting!
posted by robbyrobs at 2:04 PM on July 11, 2012

I remember visiting Detroit on our end of year trip in 6th grade and being so impressed by the buildings.
I find myself a little disturbed by the new "in thing" of photographing a city's decay, as if it was a contest to see which camera can catch the most bathos and pathos.
Nice to see buildings being saved and also what they were like in their original glory.
posted by Isadorady at 2:06 PM on July 11, 2012

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