October 30, 2012 5:24 AM   Subscribe

One of the cats scratched the police during the clearing of the squat and was arrested fur assault and cattery.
posted by MuffinMan at 5:27 AM on October 30, 2012 [7 favorites]

Were the cats charged with a feliny?
posted by Gyan at 5:28 AM on October 30, 2012 [15 favorites]

Things didn't get violent, but boy did that kitty litter.
posted by 1adam12 at 5:35 AM on October 30, 2012 [4 favorites]

Party animals!
posted by rmd1023 at 5:36 AM on October 30, 2012

Wasn't this the premise for an episode of South Park?
posted by dortmunder at 5:38 AM on October 30, 2012 [1 favorite]

Anybody who owns a cat knows they are all guilty of breaking* and entering**.

*Fragile knickknacks sitting on high shelves

**Bags, baskets, bins, and most especially impossibly small boxes.

posted by drlith at 5:45 AM on October 30, 2012 [7 favorites]

Cat house raid, huh? Wonder how many pillars of the community made 'donations' to keep their clandestine snuggling off the rolls.
posted by likeso at 6:00 AM on October 30, 2012 [5 favorites]

Cat party? Welcome to five months ago.
posted by orme at 6:05 AM on October 30, 2012 [4 favorites]

Why did they kick the snuggling cats out of the house? :(
posted by Maisie at 6:19 AM on October 30, 2012 [9 favorites]

Hey, party cats are a serious problem.
posted by zamboni at 6:19 AM on October 30, 2012 [4 favorites]

Sounds like the police found probable claws.
posted by Metroid Baby at 6:32 AM on October 30, 2012 [26 favorites]

Fuck the police!
posted by symbioid at 6:35 AM on October 30, 2012 [1 favorite]

I think I rather like the Google translate of the article, which left some Icelandic sprinkled in:

The police showed up, they were there for 2-3 cats had made themselves heimakomna and let go of them laying on a couch that had been left behind in the house. According to police, the party was dissolved, cat dismissed at the door and all the windows closed and securely locked to prevent further veisluhald of this kind.

I couldn't help but think that around here, an investigation by the police would have a more-than-even chance of discovering that the cats had been eating someone inside for several weeks.
posted by jquinby at 6:37 AM on October 30, 2012 [3 favorites]

If it was me I'd deny everything in court, even if it led to charges of purrjury.
posted by AugieAugustus at 6:40 AM on October 30, 2012 [11 favorites]

I'm with Maisie on this one. Why on Earth would they feel the need to remove the cats?
posted by tzikeh at 6:56 AM on October 30, 2012

News from Iceland!
posted by Artw at 7:08 AM on October 30, 2012 [1 favorite]

That part of Iceland is economically bad off. When the US closed down Naval Air Station Keflavik in 2006, it devastated the area's job market. Because the then government had a policy of "la la la la la I can't hear you la la la" when it came to being told by the US government that the base would be closed, there was little in the way of planning ahead. There are lots of abandoned houses out there.
posted by Kattullus at 7:17 AM on October 30, 2012 [2 favorites]

Without a doubt, my proudest moment as a journalist. Thank you for shining a light on this.
posted by Marisa Stole the Precious Thing at 7:32 AM on October 30, 2012 [40 favorites]

Any way you look at it, this was a catastrophe.
posted by Kokopuff at 7:42 AM on October 30, 2012 [3 favorites]

I am horrified at the allegations that the police planted the catnip that was found at the scene! Will no crusading journalist take up the cause of Truth?
posted by GenjiandProust at 7:49 AM on October 30, 2012 [1 favorite]

Cat burglers, the lot of em.
posted by goethean at 7:59 AM on October 30, 2012 [1 favorite]

Cat burglers, the lot of em.

Technically, the police entered the home without permission and removed the cats they found there, so... cat burglars or cat salvage? You be the judge!
posted by GenjiandProust at 8:06 AM on October 30, 2012

And I should mention that The Reykjavík Grapevine, which both Marisa Stole the Precious Thing and I write for, is a fine publication and always worth checking out if you have any interest in Iceland.
posted by Kattullus at 8:11 AM on October 30, 2012 [8 favorites]

or cats.
posted by goethean at 8:31 AM on October 30, 2012 [9 favorites]

If it was my neighborhood, it wouldn't make the news, but the many, various neighborhood mailing lists would be carpet-bombed with kitty eviction outrage and Something Must Be Done.
posted by kjs3 at 8:53 AM on October 30, 2012 [1 favorite]

I'll just note that Reykjavík, especially downtown Reykjavík, is absolutely brimful of cats. Sometimes living in Reykjavík is like living in a cat café. Honestly, if they weren't so damn cuddly, cute and friendly, they'd be a veritable pest.
posted by Kattullus at 8:54 AM on October 30, 2012 [3 favorites]

Honestly, if they weren't so damn cuddly, cute and friendly, they'd be a veritable pest.

I will second this. Plus, the darn things keep sitting picturesquely in front of red-painted doors and delightful pastel walls. It's like they know I must photograph them! Then, once i have the shot lined up, they move. The fiends!
posted by GenjiandProust at 9:06 AM on October 30, 2012 [8 favorites]

if they weren't so damn cuddly, cute and friendly

I don't know, the droopy eyes and the cold gray stare make the photo look exactly like the mug shots published in US papers of people arrested for minor offenses. It fit the story so well that I thought I was reading the Icelandic Onion.
posted by cgk at 9:11 AM on October 30, 2012 [5 favorites]

Faces of Catnip.
posted by TheWhiteSkull at 9:17 AM on October 30, 2012 [2 favorites]

True Crime: Scandinavia
posted by Apocryphon at 9:29 AM on October 30, 2012 [1 favorite]

Free the Suðurnes Two (or three)!
posted by catlet at 9:32 AM on October 30, 2012 [7 favorites]

This is so kyute I can't stand it. I'm hoping that the kitties have homes, and that this was just their clubhouse.
posted by Ruthless Bunny at 9:41 AM on October 30, 2012 [1 favorite]

Free the Suðurnes Two (or three)!

They may already be free. Perhaps "Adopt the Suðurnes Two (or three)!" would be more helpful. Although, if they are feral cats, that might be quite the undertaking.
posted by GenjiandProust at 9:43 AM on October 30, 2012

Katullus, eponysterical.
posted by computech_apolloniajames at 9:45 AM on October 30, 2012

Free the Suðurnes Two (or three)!

That was my favorite part of the story. The police report said "2-3 cats". This gave me pause - well how many were there? Was there a dispute between the officers? Was the third cat found at the scene but gave some kind of alibi, so s/he's under suspicion but hasn't been officially counted among them? How well do the police deal with counting larger organisms, like people? I think a follow-up may be necessary.
posted by Marisa Stole the Precious Thing at 9:46 AM on October 30, 2012 [17 favorites]

I think a follow-up may be necessary.

This could be the tail end of the ball of yarn that will unravel the full extent of math-related corruption in Icelandic law enforcement.
posted by catlet at 9:57 AM on October 30, 2012 [2 favorites]

When I was very young, and before I was born, the family cat used to have parties; my parents left the basement door cracked so he could get in and out, and a maintenance door under the house allowed him access to and from the outside world.

They'd wake up at three in the morning, and there would be two or three dozen cats milling around their living room, and our own cat would be dancing nervously about, as if to say, "Guys! GUYS! You better keep it down! My owners are asleep in the other room! I could GET IN TROUBLE!"

It was like that scene in a teenage sex comedy where everyone finds out that the "nerd" character's parents are out of town, so they throw a party at his house without his consent.
posted by infinitywaltz at 9:58 AM on October 30, 2012 [21 favorites]

Cat boarding is not a crime.
posted by Zed at 10:00 AM on October 30, 2012

Unlike waterboarding.
posted by cthuljew at 10:01 AM on October 30, 2012

When I was visiting Reykjavik, about 60% of why I couldn't get anywhere on time was because I'd keep running into CUTE AND FUCKING FRIENDLY KITTIES OMGGGGGGGGGG (like this guy! We made eye contact, and he made a running start to head butt my outstretched hand. OH GOD.). And I'd sit on some stranger's stoop and pet and play with one for a good 20 or so minutes before some people passing by would look at me like the weirdo I was being and I'd remember I was supposed to be heading somewhere. I totally would've broken into an abandoned house to join in on a kitty cuddle party.
posted by kkokkodalk at 10:24 AM on October 30, 2012 [16 favorites]

When I was very young, and before I was born, the family cat used to have parties

For those that remember The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers, there was a Fat Freddy's Cat strip in which this happens. I think the final frame was a room full of cats requesting that Fat Freddy turn the lights off again.
posted by colie at 10:34 AM on October 30, 2012 [5 favorites]

I'm surprised there is a word in Icelandic for "snuggling".
posted by soundofsuburbia at 12:01 PM on October 30, 2012

I'm surprised there is a word in Icelandic for "snuggling".

I would expect that they'd have five or six words, just like Eskimos are said to have several words for snow. After all, doesn't it get cold in Iceland?
posted by me & my monkey at 12:32 PM on October 30, 2012

well how many were there? Was there a dispute between the officers?

Well, as Officer Schrödinger explained at a later press conference....
posted by GenjiandProust at 2:29 PM on October 30, 2012 [13 favorites]

Fat Freddy and The Fabulous Furry Freak Bros! ت
posted by Katjusa Roquette at 3:01 PM on October 30, 2012 [3 favorites]

The Icelandic word for snuggling is kúra, pronounced, approximately, coo-rah, with the stress on coo.
posted by Kattullus at 5:52 PM on October 30, 2012 [3 favorites]

Fur heaven's sake, this purrsecution must stop!
posted by arcticseal at 7:38 PM on October 30, 2012 [1 favorite]

Colie your memory is good and quite correct. I believe I still have that comic.
posted by Goofyy at 4:47 AM on October 31, 2012

It could have turned into a pussy riot.
posted by mike3k at 11:20 PM on October 31, 2012

"2-3 cats"

The fuzzy details of this snuggling incident purrsuade me to believe this is a cover up.
posted by iamkimiam at 2:46 AM on November 1, 2012 [2 favorites]

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