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September 11, 2013 1:00 PM   Subscribe

NYC Basic Tips and Etiquette
posted by griphus (15 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Looks like we pretty much saw this before, yeah. -- cortex

If you are a visitor to new york from another nation, feel free to disregard all of these, especially the one about whatever "lines" are.
posted by Potomac Avenue at 1:02 PM on September 11, 2013 [1 favorite]

I just discovered that this was posted previously but this collects all the tips in one location it seems.
posted by griphus at 1:03 PM on September 11, 2013

hah! I don't even own any luggage! suckers!

it was stolen :(
posted by boo_radley at 1:04 PM on September 11, 2013

If HBO decides to pay for your shave and a haircut in exchange for using photos of you in internal marketing for Boardwalk Empire, be sure to tip the barber like 30 bucks.
posted by The Whelk at 1:04 PM on September 11, 2013

Why should you not take the empty train car? Are there CHUDS lying in wait?
posted by 41swans at 1:05 PM on September 11, 2013

Why should you not take the empty train car? Are there CHUDS laying in wait?

No, but it will SMELL like one is.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 1:07 PM on September 11, 2013 [1 favorite]

If the train car is empty that means no one wants to be in it.

Think on that.

Also, don't do drugs you find on the subway platform.
posted by The Whelk at 1:08 PM on September 11, 2013

In the summertime, the empty train car usually has broken a/c.
posted by rouftop at 1:09 PM on September 11, 2013

The empty train car rule also applies to Chicago and Paris.

It does not apply to Minneapolis. Every train car in Minneapolis is empty.
posted by like_a_friend at 1:10 PM on September 11, 2013

If someone is off to the side and you're not sure they are in line, ask them "are you in line?" (and then, under your breath "so get the fuck in line").
posted by 2bucksplus at 1:10 PM on September 11, 2013

I take profound pleasure in dodging sidewalk solicitors this way. It's like that move in the movies where you grab the henchman near you and trick the other one into shooting his own guy.
posted by invitapriore at 1:13 PM on September 11, 2013

I'm glad that I've finally developed that "move aside, motherfuckers" strut-and-stare that I now only have to make direct eye contact with the clipboard people and they shrink away.
posted by griphus at 1:14 PM on September 11, 2013

This is a non-obvious double.
posted by Justinian at 1:14 PM on September 11, 2013

Well there are some new ones I guess so CARRY ON.
posted by Justinian at 1:15 PM on September 11, 2013

Sidewalk solictors used to avoid me because I looked too poor and sketchy -- now they just avoid me because I look like an asshole. Progress? Progress!
posted by MCMikeNamara at 1:15 PM on September 11, 2013 [1 favorite]

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