Enron Employees make Ends meet on eBay

January 16, 2002 3:05 PM   Subscribe

Enron Employees make Ends meet on eBay
Ah eBay. Enron employees in Houston are making ends meet by selling just about anything related to Enron on eBay. In addition to stock certificates you can also buy Enron's Risk Management Manual (great excerts too) and Enron's Code of Ethics book. Or, if you are into Enron's objects d'art, check out these awards given to executives who completed the Executive Impact & Influence Program program. They were all yo-yos of course.
posted by DragonBoy (7 comments total)
There are some things, of course, that they can't keep, let alone sell. (via fuckedcompany)
posted by Sinner at 3:24 PM on January 16, 2002

At work the other day a copy of the Enron Brand and Style Guideline Book showed up. Mostly it was your standard corporate identity fodder. On the last page, however, was an example of improper use of the Enron logo on promotional merchandise. The example given was a cartoon drawing of a pack of cigarettes with the Enron logo on the front.

I guess even then they wanted to discourage the thought that the company might vanish is a puff of smoke.
posted by dzigavertov at 4:57 PM on January 16, 2002

"corporate ethics" -- my new favorite oxymoron.
posted by mrhappy at 7:41 PM on January 16, 2002

"corporate ethics" -- my new favorite oxymoron.

That was my fav. oxym since i took my intro to microecon class and we had to read some bullshit "the clashing world of ethics and economics" book. I went to a baptist school, what can you do?
posted by Ufez Jones at 9:10 PM on January 16, 2002

I was highly amused at the pictures of Enron employees wheeling their belongings out of the office on their Aeron chairs. If there's one thing you can say for sure, it's that an Aeron chair that reaches the street ain't never going back inside.

And the Aeron rule does seem to apply -- no surer sign of a company's imminent demise ...
posted by dhartung at 10:26 PM on January 16, 2002

Thanks for a Great post! I love seeing what's selling on Ebay, and your post allowed me to intertwine it with a current news story. I feel that if properly altered my Ebay addiction might not be a complete waste of time.
posted by Eric Lloyd NYC at 11:42 PM on January 16, 2002

I did some Ebaying: Peta , School Shootings, Hockey Dads, Taliban, John Walker and Genetic Engineering
Disregard my previous post--
posted by Eric Lloyd NYC at 12:35 AM on January 17, 2002

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