A new level
April 21, 2000 11:27 AM   Subscribe

A new level for the next Might & Magic?
posted by crawdad (3 comments total)
I went on a couple similar expeditions in the steam tunnels under my alma mater. There weren't any rushing underground rivers in those tunnels unfortunately. In fact it was quite the opposite as they were mostly hot, dry, and filled with asbestos lined pipes. It was pretty fun though.
posted by Axodys at 1:24 PM on April 21, 2000

I remember reading of somone going down like that, in a group, and finding a body, they asked what they were doing down there in the first place, and they didn't know what to say, ended up in the news, so.. funny stuff.
posted by tiaka at 1:50 PM on April 21, 2000

There is also a famous case of D&D games taking place in these steam pipes here at Michigan State University. There was a book made about it, written by the private investigator who cracked the case of the disappearance of one of these players. The book is called "The Dungeon Master: The Disappearance of James Dallas Egbert III".

I couldn't find the book at Amazon but I found this page with quotes from the book. There aren't any quotes on that page but the book describes the MSU tunnels as varying extremely widely, from frigid (local ground temperature is about 40 degrees, I think) to 130 degree F with 100% humidity. Switching between the two is downright dangerous and can take a lot out of anybody.

Frankly, it just didn't sound like anywhere I'd want to go.
posted by Jeremy Bowers at 4:00 PM on April 21, 2000

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