Foodie presents the story of Allen and Alinea
November 12, 2014 5:37 PM   Subscribe

For 42K, I think he could have hired a DP who can pull focus. More at the Daily Mail.
posted by Ideefixe at 5:46 PM on November 12, 2014

Ideefixe: "For 42K, I think he could have hired a DP who can pull focus. More at the Daily Mail."
1) I had no idea there was a (successful, closed) kickstarter.
2) haha, that backer reward level.
posted by boo_radley at 5:50 PM on November 12, 2014

It's nice that this guy is passionate about a project. But sheesh, man, foodies.

You're making novelty entrées for one-percenters out of the livers of tortured geese. You're not curing cancer.
posted by dontjumplarry at 6:20 PM on November 12, 2014

You're making novelty entrées for one-percenters out of the livers of tortured geese. You're not curing cancer.

Mind you the largest oncology conference in the world happens in Chicago every year and it is really hard to get tables at good restaurants while the actual cancer treaters are here.
posted by srboisvert at 7:19 PM on November 12, 2014 [5 favorites]

You're making novelty entrées for one-percenters out of the livers of tortured geese. You're not curing cancer.

No, not curing. Chefs aren't pros at that. But Alinea is first and foremost Grant Achatz's restaurant, who had a very public and painful battle with tongue cancer, which he managed to survive, sense of taste intact, thanks to excellent care -- for which he's been just as publicly profoundly grateful. He's done a fair bit to support cancer research since his fight. (See, e.g., 225k in donations in this 2012 push from Achatz's other restaurant, Next.)

Your point re: fripperies isn't lost; it's just that this probably isn't the guy to ding for it.
posted by theoddball at 8:57 PM on November 12, 2014 [5 favorites]

On one hand, I would have loved to try this guy's recreations. Without reservation or irony. It's pretty cool as obsessions go.

On the other hand, I'm so fucking over "foodies." I want the ghost of Julia Child to come and slap their fetishes right out of them. I want the Swedish Chef to drop them a blender. Bork bork bork. This trend has to end.

While I'm at it - "soms" are also on my hit-list.
posted by kanewai at 11:04 PM on November 12, 2014 [1 favorite]

The "foodie" angle in this thread is misguided. This could just as easily have been about woodworking or any other kind of intensely detail-focussed craftsmanship.

It's more about the emulator learning through emulation; about the craft, the original crafter, the framework of crafting and about himself as a human, how he sees the externalities of the craft, and how that changes through experience.
posted by flippant at 4:36 AM on November 13, 2014 [7 favorites]

I don't own it, but I've borrowed a friend's copy of Mosaic and cooked a few things out it. The recipes are tricky to say the least--it takes some serious dedication to go through the whole book.
posted by feckless fecal fear mongering at 6:22 AM on November 13, 2014

Thanks, I am totally fascinated with Alinea. I related to some of the food comments from the video guy's wife and suspect some of the fare would be wasted on me, I can be a little finicky. But I would still love to dine there some day - the absolute beauty of the food and the servings is another whole level of the experience, and I'd dig it for that alone. So thanks for the post, boo_radley, I am vicariously enjoying things via this guy's blog for now.
posted by madamjujujive at 9:02 AM on November 13, 2014 [1 favorite]

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