March 10, 2002
8:43 PM   Subscribe

Didn't make it to SXSW this year? Tired of hearing all the big name bloggers talk about how cool it is to be blogging next to everyone? What's everyone doing to fight off the "I'm not cool enough" doldrums of missing out on SXSW? More inside.
posted by manero (14 comments total)

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Me - I'm busy working and taking midterms at school. Besides, I think I'd rather spend my money travelling to QuakeCon 2002 this summer.
posted by manero at 8:45 PM on March 10, 2002

It wasn't the bloggers that got big, dahling, it was the blogs that got small.
posted by benjh at 8:55 PM on March 10, 2002

SXSW? What? My school is on quarters instead of semesters, and it's finals time for me. I have taken no notice of the outside world for the past three weeks.
posted by SpecialK at 9:09 PM on March 10, 2002

Same here - they consistently schedule SXSW during finals or the week before finals for me. I think it's a plot to keep the college students out... *looks around suspiciously*
posted by zempf at 9:33 PM on March 10, 2002

I live in Austin. . .
I've never really seen what the big deal is with SXSW.
Its fun, mildly entertaining, I guess... But way over-priced... $80 for an armband! And the really good shows are practically inpenetrable anyway, even _with_ an armband, mostly private shows, or a line that starts at 9am.
posted by Espoo2 at 9:39 PM on March 10, 2002

While most of us, undoubtedly, enjoy blogging.. do we really want to sit around while someone rattles on about how blogging is 'redefining the whole media experience' or how 'information architecture holds many parallels with weblogging'?

Some people are really into the 'I'm a total weblog-nerd/information-architecture nerd' thing.. most of us just like updating our own and reading others.
posted by wackybrit at 9:49 PM on March 10, 2002

i don't know what the big deal about SXSW is. you guys can go and attend your web panels and your community things. meanwhile, i'm having lots of sex.

(i'm not actually; it's just a lot of big talk.)
posted by moz at 10:04 PM on March 10, 2002

If you really have to spend that much time preparing for finals, you are obviously skipping class like crazy. Either that or you are in way over your head.
posted by ttrendel at 10:04 PM on March 10, 2002

SXSWhat? <sarcasm>
posted by aaron at 10:24 PM on March 10, 2002

To me, the great power of the internet is that it's harder to prop up total crap. If Kottke keeps getting that many links, then there's something to his site. Sure, a lot of it may just be momentum from his superstar status, but then again, I remember reading that Simply Porn thing he did way back when I didn't know what a cascading style sheet was.

All the shmoozing in the world isn't going to help you if your blog is crap. As much as I hate to admit it, the A-list usually deserves their status.
posted by jragon at 10:27 PM on March 10, 2002

I seriously don't know what SXSW is. And I'm in Singapore, so I'd never bother.
posted by jetgrrl at 10:33 PM on March 10, 2002

What ed said.
Also, a blog's worthiness is 100% the need of it's creator to express for expression's sake, regardless of audience.
Certain more popular blogs seem a little too self-aware.
posted by dong_resin at 11:07 PM on March 10, 2002

I'm adoring getting the emails from friends at SXSW. They're filled with all the greatest Blog Valley High gossip: Sex! Drugs! CSS! Very fun to read.
posted by arielmeadow at 11:08 PM on March 10, 2002

The fact is weblogs - no matter how popular - are for a niche audience. SXSW is a giant inside joke; one joke that isn't worth a price tag unless the web is your entire life. no offense to people at the pile but i'm trying to get away from spending so much time online.
posted by wantwit at 11:09 PM on March 10, 2002

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