The film is made of different types of tea leaves
October 31, 2015 11:58 PM   Subscribe

Chinti: a short animated film about an ant who finds a picture of the Taj Mahal. Written, directed, and animated by Natalia Mirzoyan (previously).
posted by eruonna (4 comments total) 16 users marked this as a favorite
posted by oheso at 1:28 AM on November 1, 2015 [1 favorite]

Well, that as pretty much amazing.
posted by jacquilynne at 4:53 AM on November 1, 2015

Where did all this dust come from?
posted by Fizz at 5:09 AM on November 1, 2015

Well . . . that was just . . . well . . . darned ant, and . . . well . . .thank you, Natalia.
posted by pt68 at 2:46 PM on November 1, 2015

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