"The inside of her head felt slow with panic"
April 30, 2016 11:34 PM   Subscribe

"The Choking Victim" by MeFi's own Alexandra Kleeman is a short story that portrays one new mother's anxiety. The dream-like fiction linked at the author's web site offers a wider perspective on her work.

Selected stories:
  • "You, Disappearing": "Nobody thought the apocalypse would be so polite and quirky."
  • "Intimation": "I was trying to think of all the different things I liked about doors."
  • "Hollywood Snow" (an audiovisual presentation by Kleeman herself): "Eddie had a misunderstanding about movies--about what they were."
  • "Fake Blood": "I had arrived in costume, but it was not a costume party. Just a normal party, they said."
  • "Morphogenesis": "Magnolia flowers smell strong and white and they hold something hard at the center."
Her journalism and scholarly work may also be of interest:
posted by Wobbuffet (1 comment total) 7 users marked this as a favorite
Neat! I went straight for the nonfiction and the fruitarian article was great (in the vein of 'a supposedly fun thing that I'll never do again'). I also could have sworn we talked about the bed rest article on MetaFilter but can't find it on a quick search.

Going back to the fiction was interesting--the New Yorker piece is chilling. So many 'are these red flags or...?' and yes, lots of anxiety. Thanks for sharing.
posted by librarylis at 10:45 AM on May 1, 2016 [1 favorite]

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