Election 2000 Enchantment: A love, crime story...
June 11, 2002 1:19 PM   Subscribe

Election 2000 Enchantment: A love, crime story... From the author's geocities site: "Election 2000 Enchantment," by Elaine North, is a fun-filled adventure of two young women, who are ballot hand recounters during the Florida election crisis. The young women encounter intrigue, romance, passion, crime, danger and deception as they meet some of the many people from across the country that converge upon Florida due to the derailed presidential election. Exploitation or creativity? You decide.
posted by krewson (6 comments total)
//Exploitation or creativity? You decide

Since when is setting a story during an event of historical importance exploitation?
posted by Foaf at 1:40 PM on June 11, 2002

HAHAHAHA. My experience recounting was hardly that exciting. I once found myself in a county seat without a hotel; I ended up going at 2 in the morning to the house of a local party contact.
posted by jennak at 1:49 PM on June 11, 2002

Since when is setting a story during an event of historical importance exploitation?

Agreed. I can't even think offhand what the story would have to contain to be legitimately considered "exploitation."
posted by rushmc at 2:17 PM on June 11, 2002

Nah, not exploitation; It isn’t any different, really, from setting a novel during the Clinton administration. It could even be pretty good in the right hands...now, perhaps this one is pretty bad (judging just by the plot synopsis, though the fact that it’s
self-published might mean something about the quality, or maybe not).
posted by sherman at 2:43 PM on June 11, 2002

Spoiler in case you haven't read the blurb-- no, the romance is not between the two young women, as I originally read it to mean.
posted by G_Ask at 7:02 PM on June 11, 2002

posted by delmoi at 12:09 AM on June 13, 2002

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