July 26, 2002
8:22 AM   Subscribe

Has Friday Flash lost its spark? Can't buy a thrill? Then what you need is some Friday Frank (as in Zappa). Broadcast by the good folks at radio station WNCW 88.7, out of Spindale, NC, the show is one hour of crispy live cuts from the wealth of boots in circulation. The show starts at 12noon Eastern Time Zone. (Its a Real Audio Stream, here's the Windows Media feed as well.
posted by BentPenguin (2 comments total)
Well, I must take this opportunity to praise WNCW. Not only are they a godsend to anyone actually spending time in the N.C. mountains, but folks everywhere would have a hard time finding a cooler mix of "uncool" music than their daily Crossroads show (M-F 8a-7p ET, except for Zappa's hour). See their program grid. I first heard Lucinda Williams on WNCW (feel free to flame me if that is lame).
posted by Zurishaddai at 2:53 PM on July 26, 2002

Zappa recorded over 900 tunes. That should keep WNCW busy for years... Thanks for the link!
posted by shinybeast at 9:36 PM on July 26, 2002

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