Need a user's manual for your DNA?
September 16, 2002 4:35 AM   Subscribe

Need a user's manual for your DNA? Sure that there's some bug in there you could fix if you knew how to? Here are the tools you'll need. I know the web isn't relly about one-to-many publishing, but just sometimes it does it wonderfully well.
posted by alloneword (3 comments total)
You might have wanted to point out that you can't read the articles in that issue of Nature Genetics unless you register (for free). I was a bit confused about this at first - I thought you had to be a paid subscriber, but that's not the case.

Anyway, it looks like an interesting if somewhat specialised series of articles.
posted by adrianhon at 8:18 AM on September 16, 2002

Just reading the questions to which many of the articles are in response makes my brain hurt. I don't think I'll be able to use any of this information until "Genetics for Dummies" hits my local Borders.
posted by thanotopsis at 8:39 AM on September 16, 2002

Genome is a great 'Dummies Guide' to the Genome with each chapter looking at one gene from each of the chromosones.
posted by zeoslap at 1:24 PM on September 16, 2002

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