September 16, 2002
10:02 PM   Subscribe

Well, I know somebody out there in Mefi land will find some use for fifty years of underwear advertising and packaging... I know I did.
posted by Newbornstranger (6 comments total)
This makes me wonder if the long (and, ahem, sordid?) history of the briefs industry will soon be coming to an end; every male my age-mid-twenties-now wears boxers exlusively. Not to engage in Bill Clinton-town hall banter, but does anyone actually still wear briefs?
posted by flagrante_delicto at 10:09 PM on September 16, 2002

Vintage Skivvies, eh? Your drawers should be properly aged after all.

Actually, as weird obsession sites go, this is fairly nicely done, designwise and all. I was always a tighty-whities guy up until about age 24, when I switched to plaid flannel boxers to match the shirts. I have always had a soft spot for unionsuits, though specially with the flap on the butt, so I can look like a cartoon bumpkin.
posted by jonmc at 10:10 PM on September 16, 2002

I thought it was female underwear. The link was pretty low on, uh, utility for me.
posted by aznblader at 11:49 PM on September 16, 2002

My, my, flagrante_delicto - with all the promise of adventure inherent in your name, I'd have expected less rigidity in your choice of undies. It seems your sartorial preference faces some stiff competition for market share. The jury is still out. Meanwhile, it's not too late to add a bit of variety and spice to your inner wardrobe!
posted by madamjujujive at 6:13 AM on September 17, 2002

every male my age-mid-twenties-now wears boxers exlusively

I'm male... I'm 24... and it's been seven years since my last pair of boxers. (Why does this suddenly feel like an Underwear-aholics Anonymous meeting?)
posted by fredosan at 7:24 AM on September 17, 2002

madam...I meant only when I wear underwear!
posted by flagrante_delicto at 3:23 PM on September 17, 2002

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