Fake celebrity gossip in UK
January 9, 2003 3:03 PM   Subscribe

As our own Royal Family slams them, can we be certain of anything reported in the British press? Celebrity gossip is king: if an unpopular public figure isn't ruined, then they're dragged through the gutter by an amoral PR guru. Celebrities mysteriously go out with other celebrities, until their single reaches number one (usually they're with the same PR company). It happens all the time. And models have sex videos 'stolen', only for one newpaper to 'find' out and charge people to look (and trailers suddenly appear on Kazaa). Is nothing real?
posted by wibbler (8 comments total)
(and trailers suddenly appear on Kazaa). Is nothing real?
Her breasts certainly aren't
posted by matteo at 3:33 PM on January 9, 2003

You might want to warn people when your one of your links spawns a pop-up assault.
posted by Blubble at 3:35 PM on January 9, 2003

Ooooh... an FPP for A.C. He should be pleased.
posted by Witty at 3:38 PM on January 9, 2003

Is nothing real?

No. Take more drugs to compensate.
posted by i_cola at 3:41 PM on January 9, 2003

Take more drugs to compensate.
I think you mean Soma
posted by Ryvar at 4:48 PM on January 9, 2003

"As our own Royal Family slams them...

Er, it's the royal family. They "slam" anything they can't tell what to do, shoot, sell or insult.

Seriously, this is nothing new at all. Anyone who thinks that the redtops bear any relation to newspapers evidently aren't from Britain.
posted by influx at 4:56 PM on January 9, 2003

Is nothing real?

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
posted by The Jesse Helms at 5:34 PM on January 9, 2003

Ceci n'est pas une spoon.
posted by Slithy_Tove at 8:48 PM on January 9, 2003

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