cough cough
March 21, 2003 3:38 AM   Subscribe

The evil weed. Here's a cheery little test for you old folks.
posted by johnny7 (9 comments total)
uhm, okay, if I'm 75 years old, and have been smoking 20 cigarettes for 50 years I have an 8% chance of getting lung cancer.

The risk vs reward isn't to bad there. What else do I have an 8% chance of happening to me, I wonder.
posted by jdaura at 4:24 AM on March 21, 2003

75, 50 years of smoking 60 a day, working in the asbestos rich environment, I've got a 14% risk of cancer, going up to 18% if I keep smoking.

That has to be fucked up.

Oh, and you can't estimate your risks if you are below 50, smoke less that 20 a day, or smoked for less that 25 years.

High tech tool. And flash too. Bastard thing.
posted by twine42 at 4:29 AM on March 21, 2003

You have an 8% chance of getting type2 Diabetes.
posted by twine42 at 4:33 AM on March 21, 2003

i am 50, i only smoked about 15 a day until i quit two years ago, and now you say i could have smoked 3 times that for another 25 years against an 8% chance of cancer...?

[visions of marlboro man dance in quonsar's head]

nah, fuck it.
posted by quonsar at 5:25 AM on March 21, 2003

Good old Dubya, the Marlboro Man himself, is blocking an international treaty on tobacco advertising, by the way. Marlboros are $8 a pack in NYC, less than $0.50 in Brazil and China. Seek new markets! Fuggit, I got to quit. My Fagerstrom index is 70. What's yours?
posted by hairyeyeball at 5:45 AM on March 21, 2003

These risks may seem low. However... the problem is, lung cancer is not the only way you can die because you smoked cigarettes. It's just what everyone thinks first. Smokers may not die of lung cancer because they die of another smoking-related illness first, like emphysema or heart disease.

And and although 8% or 14% may not seem high, for the person it happens to, that's small consolation. As is the fact that it may happen at age 45 or 50, cutting out a good bit of your life.
posted by Slithy_Tove at 5:54 AM on March 21, 2003

Damned thing is ageist. I guess I'll need to keep smoking until I'm 50 to find out my risk.
posted by toothgnip at 7:14 AM on March 21, 2003

[visions of marlboro man dance in quonsar's head]

Didn't the original Marlboro Man die of cancer? Or AIDs? Or both . . ?

Smokers may not die of lung cancer because they die of another smoking-related illness first, like emphysema or heart disease.

Yeah, emphysema and its complications (congestive heart failure, lungs-fulla-fluid, etc) were what finally got my tough-as-nails grandmother (slowly and painfully). I think emphysema is much more likely and insidious, as the lungs inevitably become weak and inefficient, in turn causing problems for the heart, etc etc...

Don't hate me, geez. I remember what happened the last time I opened my mouth in a thread full of smokers. It was worse than the last PETA debacle. *runs away*
posted by Shane at 7:19 AM on March 21, 2003

Shane, it was lung cancer. Twice.
posted by TimeFactor at 9:10 AM on March 21, 2003

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