Salam Pax and the Book Deal
July 17, 2003 10:15 AM   Subscribe

Salam Pax and the Book Deal Not much info, but I thought some might be interested in the followup on ole Salam Pax.
posted by eatdonuts (4 comments total)
Nick Denton estimates that Salam got in the high six figures for the book deal, which means he's now one of the richest people in Baghdad.
posted by Asparagirl at 10:38 AM on July 17, 2003

I suppose those afraid that Salaam had come to a bad end were right -- he got a book deal before the rest of us.
posted by Ogre Lawless at 12:54 PM on July 17, 2003

Good for him.
posted by lazaruslong at 3:48 PM on July 17, 2003

/Applauds wildly

I'll be buying it anyhow
posted by BigCalm at 2:12 AM on July 18, 2003

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