Go climb a tree... and live there.
October 9, 2003 8:04 PM   Subscribe

In the market for sky high real estate? You can build your very own, hire a contractor, or just rent.
posted by moonbird (5 comments total)
Those are some exquisite examples of arboreal architecture, moonbird. One day, when I grow up, I'm going to have a treehouse. I love them.
posted by nomis at 8:28 PM on October 9, 2003

I am never going to grow up, but I would still love a tree house. Nice links.
posted by dg at 8:49 PM on October 9, 2003

I have installed a fully functional fireplace in my treehouse. It was originally just for novelty value, but it's actually great when the air gets a bit chilly later in the day, and it makes heat out of all the off-cuts that I otherwise have to carry home to get rid of them. At the moment I don't use it, because there are some squirrels living in the chimney box...

I had a similar problem with my treehouse bidet - the robins kept using it as a bird bath. Just remember, future tree-dwellers: good fences make good neighbors.

lovely post, moonbird!
posted by taz at 11:58 PM on October 9, 2003

What happens when the tree grows. Up. Out. Over.
posted by stbalbach at 5:59 AM on October 10, 2003

Well, stbalbach, treehouse builder Ron seems to have invented some ingenious tree clamps that he loosens every spring. Cool.

AND he makes funny paintings with Jesus in them.
posted by maniactown at 11:11 AM on October 10, 2003

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