BBQ Nanochips
April 12, 2004 6:24 AM   Subscribe

Nanochips The desire for boosting the number of transistors on a chip and for running it faster explains why the semiconductor industry, just as it crossed into the new millennium, shifted from manufacturing microchips to making nanochips. How it quietly passed this milestone, and how it continues to advance, is an amazing story of people overcoming some of the greatest engineering challenges of our time--challenges every bit as formidable as those encountered in building the first atomic bomb or sending a person to the moon.
posted by mcgraw (23 comments total)
If that printer-friendly link doesn't work, try this one. (Warning: 2 pop-ups)
posted by mcgraw at 6:26 AM on April 12, 2004

posted by dfowler at 6:33 AM on April 12, 2004

Ah, the smell of Singularity in the morning!

Singularitea - is that supposed to be some kind of new herbal tea, or something ? And does it wake you up, or does it put you to sleep....permanently ? Are these new "nanochips" a type of sweetener, like Nutrasweet, or a new non-dairy creamer ?
posted by troutfishing at 6:37 AM on April 12, 2004


Well well well I shouldof konnwn youd be on here damn.
posted by mcgraw at 6:42 AM on April 12, 2004

I take that back, mcgraw.

posted by dfowler at 6:43 AM on April 12, 2004

G. Dan!
posted by quonsar at 7:30 AM on April 12, 2004

photo of G Dan, center of page, 3rd from left

China Youth Daily: kanji kanji GDan kanji
posted by mcgraw at 7:53 AM on April 12, 2004


see now Snoop gone blast that snitchdick flower in his stomac but snoop says theres allotta dflowers in schools so which are you dfolwer? knukles up
posted by mcgraw at 9:49 AM on April 12, 2004

China Youth Daily: It was merely GDan commenting on Intel's CEO Craig Barrett's personality - iron fist inside a velvet glove, or some such.

Great read! ("It is no coincidence that supercritical carbon dioxide has recently become a popular means to dry-clean clothes.") Who knew?
posted by of strange foe at 9:49 AM on April 12, 2004

IMAGES from the article (which aren't accessible from the printer-friendly version)
posted by mcgraw at 10:11 AM on April 12, 2004

I want Nanofish to go with my Nanochips.
posted by i_cola at 10:15 AM on April 12, 2004

That's a very interesting article. This thread however, by way of contrast makes absolutely no fucking sense what-so-ever.
posted by willnot at 11:23 AM on April 12, 2004

Thanks for the images mcgraw, and yeah, what willnot said, wtf? [great article]
posted by garethspor at 12:06 PM on April 12, 2004

If you want to know which dfowler I am, why don't you ask your wife.
posted by dfowler at 12:26 PM on April 12, 2004

some people on hear see how dflower is a stallker of my posts. He sent medical people after me and i have to leave town a lot of the time ever since becose of what he did.

well someone told me that the man runing the Metafilter site is Mat Howie. If so I want for Mat to take off dfowlfer from Meffy because I want to be left alone from him. For ever.

intil then tho i found you dfowler so lookout then
posted by mcgraw at 12:57 PM on April 12, 2004

Hey, that guy's a dick!
posted by dfowler at 1:17 PM on April 12, 2004

Go on, you two - just go to a hotel room and get it over with, why dontcha ?

Leave us in peace to talk about our little chips.
posted by troutfishing at 8:49 PM on April 12, 2004

Go on, you two - just go get a hotel room and get it over with, why dontcha ?

Leave us alone so we can discuss our little chips in peace.
posted by troutfishing at 8:52 PM on April 12, 2004

whado you mean troutfishing? i'm just hear too talk science
posted by mcgraw at 5:51 AM on April 13, 2004

troutfishing, it's funny you should mention hotel rooms, because that's where I am right now. Guess who I'm with (I'll give you a hint: she's married to mcgraw).
posted by dfowler at 6:30 AM on April 13, 2004

Mr. Fowler, I knew John F. Kennedy and you’re no John F. Kennedy.
posted by mcgraw at 7:41 AM on April 13, 2004

That's no Marylin either! It's just an inflatable doll.

Hey, mcgraw - how the helldjuh get a marriage license to marry a friggin' inflatable doll? A few Franklins greased the wheels, eh?

Or does your wife look like THIS !

posted by troutfishing at 3:01 PM on April 14, 2004

posted by mcgraw at 6:13 AM on April 15, 2004

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