Why should the world be overwise, In counting all our tears and sighs?
April 28, 2004 3:12 PM   Subscribe

Sterile couture. A Dutch architect designs surgical masks for the Japanese.
posted by plexi (4 comments total)
Yeah, that's just what I want to see when I'm coming to after an operation, a nurse with the mouth of a gorilla leaning over me.

Though they could be used for some super cheap Halloween costumes too.

But no, I get that they are for street use to avoid allergies. Its just the thought of being in a hospital bed, groggy from surgery or whatever and seeing the mouth of a gorilla right above your face would require a fresh bedpan for me.
posted by fenriq at 4:04 PM on April 28, 2004

I just came home, with a mask in my bag inside a ziploc. I don't have allergies, but I wear a mask when I go into Osaka because the train is so crowded it's easy to pick up someone's bug. During my wife's pregnancy I was especially careful, carrying alcohol-infused tissues to clean my hands throughout the day and iodine gargle. I haven't seen anyone with these masks, but I might try it, people stare at the funny gaijin anyway.
posted by planetkyoto at 2:03 AM on April 29, 2004

And hey, at only 6.00 US a pop, it's not like they're terribly expensive. They're kinda cute.
posted by dejah420 at 9:07 AM on April 29, 2004

people wear them here (chicago) in the winter to keep warm.
posted by crush-onastick at 9:44 AM on April 29, 2004

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