Ed Meese for President!
May 5, 2004 11:41 AM   Subscribe

Ed Meese for President! The Yes Men attended the Heritage Foundation's annual Resource Bank meeting. [Via Disinformation.]
posted by homunculus (2 comments total)
Homunculus, thanks for giving my synaptic signposts - pointing towards the wonder that is The Yes Men - a coat of fresh paint.

I really love the idea of creating fake right wing fringe "Think Tank" groups.

My group would demand that (among other things. We'd have position papers too), when Ronald reagan finally dies, his corpse be appropriated from Nancy Reagan by being declared a national monument.

We'll demand that it be squirted full of preservatives, shellacked, and stuck in a clear plexiglass tomb on the White House lawn or in front of the Capital Building.

Sort of like Lenin's corpse.

I would be lit at night be pink neon.
posted by troutfishing at 3:22 PM on May 5, 2004

I love the Yes Men. The guys at the Magic Christian Fund over RTMark's way turned me onto them years ago. I laughed and laughed when I got the first pictures of this stunt. Those guys are cameleon like in their ability to get into and out of the most amazing places.
posted by dejah420 at 9:23 PM on May 6, 2004

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