Bookmarklets, Napster, and the Peer-to-Peer Web:
September 18, 2000 8:56 AM   Subscribe

Bookmarklets, Napster, and the Peer-to-Peer Web: Apparently Jason isn't the only one who's discovered nifty uses for bookmarklets. Right now this technology is limited by Javascript interpreters, but could it be as powerful in principle as Mozilla?
posted by dhartung (3 comments total)
Eh, I wonder if he knows that the HTML editing tool he made has been done already, and is already built into IE 5.5.
posted by endquote at 10:24 AM on September 18, 2000

(Upon further reading, apparently he does, but I wonder why this would be better, especially since it only works in IE as well.)
posted by endquote at 10:29 AM on September 18, 2000

I took it as a proof of concept, not an end in itself. Certainly Udell seemed to get the idea that this could be the tip of the iceberg, if people wanted to exploit it. Secondly, I thought it was a good reminder that there are whole nodes of thought out there that don't intersect, and this guy had almost come out of nowhere with his idea.

Also, I was looking for anyone who could comment on the comparability of this and Mozilla.
posted by dhartung at 3:18 PM on September 18, 2000

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