The best Comic in recent memory NOT written by Scott McCloud
September 27, 2000 10:37 PM   Subscribe

The best Comic in recent memory NOT written by Scott McCloud
Remember the Real World in San Francisco? That was the one with Pedro dying of AIDS and Puck getting kicked off. Well, I just read a book about Pedro and Judd's friendship called Pedro and Me. This is the best comic I have read since 'Jar of Fools' or 'Understanding Comics.' I read it today at lunch and it moved me to tears. Anyone who knows someone with AIDS should read this book.
posted by DragonBoy (2 comments total)
Acme Novelty library? Anything by Paul Pope? How recent do you mean when you say recent? From Hell?
posted by davidgentle at 2:42 PM on September 28, 2000

Judd also had a strip in the SF papers for a while called Frumpy the Clown which was just wonderful. I'm definitely going to pick up his new book.
posted by fraying at 10:11 PM on September 28, 2000

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