Porn to run
October 21, 2004 9:26 AM   Subscribe

Porn and politics bump and grind synergistically in an erotic flick benefiting the Kerry campaign. With the hotly contested election looming, nothing brings our country together like pornography. At least that's the theory behind Fahrenheit 69: The Porn for Kerry DVD. A group of Ivy League grads, appalled by the prospect of four more years of Bush, seized the opportunity to meld their passions for business, politics and porn into Porn for Progress. The crew, led by Executive Director "Dick Tater," a 23-year-old Wharton biz-school alum, spent two months creating this full-length film, which retails for $19.99 (more info at [WARNING: some content VERY NSFW]).[mi]
posted by psmealey (10 comments total)

The action in Fahrenheit 69 is not simulated, according to Tater, who insists that the characters and situations are fictional--any resemblance to real life is coincidental, as seen by the scene descriptions he provided:

On a secretive mission to Abu Garrabe [sic] Prison, Secretary of Defense Donnie Cumsfeld meets soldier Lyndie Dickland to learn the truth behind the abuse. But Donnie is in over his head when the leash is put on him!

Jorge Bush thought this hot-tub business meeting with King Fakh of Sexy Alabia would be, well, all business. But His Highness always knows how to entertain guests with his personal squad of sex minions. A hilarious take on the dangers of Middle East oil dependency.

First daughter Jenteal Bush has got bigger problems than alcoholism when a group of sexy Homeland Security agents raid her sorority house! The right's moral hypocrisy is exposed in uproarious, amazingly hot fashion.

posted by psmealey at 9:28 AM on October 21, 2004

I just don't have a clue whether this is a good thing for Kerry, or a good thing for Bush.

It sounds pretty funny though, and that can't be bad.

Unless it's awful.

But - if it is - at least there's sex.
posted by troutfishing at 10:04 AM on October 21, 2004

I haven't had a girlfriend in five years.
posted by Pretty_Generic at 10:08 AM on October 21, 2004

This is impressively contemptible. If you're a Wharton grad, I guess Abu Ghraib is just hilarious.
posted by Armitage Shanks at 10:35 AM on October 21, 2004

Abu Ghraib is not hilarious.
Jokes referring to Abu Ghraib may or may not be.
posted by sonofsamiam at 10:38 AM on October 21, 2004

My goodness...... I have to say I approve this message!
posted by spilon at 10:45 AM on October 21, 2004

This is terrible. I hope the major media outlets don't find out about this one, because that will be more bad news for Kerry.

I appreciate the idea, but the Abu Gharib stuff especially (not to mention the daughters Bush) is just in plain poor taste. If they had to make an anti-Bush porn they could have done it in far more clever ways. They threw a golden opportunity for satire out the window.
posted by rafter at 11:12 AM on October 21, 2004

Porn done in poor taste? Say it ain't so! Frankly, I thought the whole thing was ridiculous... particularly using fund-raising as a marketing angle to sell what looks to be a garden variety low-budget sex flick.
posted by psmealey at 11:27 AM on October 21, 2004

And this will help Kerry how exactly?
posted by LouReedsSon at 4:20 AM on October 22, 2004

I have no comment one way or the other re: the political message, but that blonde playing Ann Cunter is hot.
posted by bargle at 12:49 PM on October 22, 2004

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