Intel's Top 10 Sneakiest Moves & Screwups.
November 21, 2000 11:46 AM   Subscribe

Intel's Top 10 Sneakiest Moves & Screwups. I keep expecting to hear that several top executives have decided to "pursue other opportunities" but it never seems to happen.
posted by Steven Den Beste (2 comments total)
Hmm. Nothing about the infamous divide bug. Nothing about the 486 SX/DX swindle. Nothing about the Alice-in-Wonderland segmentation-on-acid addressing scheme and steam-powered pipe-organ instruction set Intel is finally digging itself out of.

This isn't isn't an "all time 10 worst" list, it's a "last few years 10 worst" list, which makes it all the scarier.
posted by grimmelm at 12:01 PM on November 21, 2000

In my three years of owning my own PC, I've ran into 4 of these 10 fiascos. Guess I'm going with AMD next time!
posted by pnevares at 2:24 PM on November 21, 2000

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