Democrats take the Senate.
November 8, 2006 7:10 PM   Subscribe

The Democrats have won the senate.
posted by Effigy2000 (16 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: we have enough election threads to last a while. All filled up. Sorry.

posted by ericb at 7:12 PM on November 8, 2006

now comes the hard part, doing something useful with their newfound power
posted by caddis at 7:14 PM on November 8, 2006

posted by brain_drain at 7:15 PM on November 8, 2006

Beginning impeachment proceedings or perhaps turning Bush and Rumsfeld over to an international war crimes commission might be a nice start.
posted by spock at 7:16 PM on November 8, 2006

I want to feel hopeful, but I am cynical that this might all be a plot. I wonder if the Get America to Vote act or whatever it's called was a way to standardize voting machines so more shennanigans could occur. I feel like these are dives all taken to soften the blow. This is all a fluke and in 2008 it'll be back to the bullshit or Bush will somehow call off elections all together.
posted by frecklefaerie at 7:17 PM on November 8, 2006

... thus kicking off the presidential race in 2008. Let's hope the Dems don't screw things up in the next two years and alienate voters for 2008.
posted by Ricky_gr10 at 7:17 PM on November 8, 2006

So, what will this mean for non-americans?
Will the US re-take its leading role in science and technology, especially stem-cell research?
Will this mean an american withdrawal from Iraq?
What's the implications vis-a-vis Iran and North Korea?
Does this mean an end to torture and rendition?
posted by spazzm at 7:18 PM on November 8, 2006

Again, says Webb and the AP, read the articles before you post them. The Commonwealth has yet to say anything and Allen has not bowed out.
posted by Pollomacho at 7:19 PM on November 8, 2006

I love this pansy sourcing to the AP. Hey assholes, you call elections, too, remember?
posted by deadfather at 7:19 PM on November 8, 2006

Milosevic's old cell is available, I hear.
posted by planetkyoto at 7:19 PM on November 8, 2006

With all their power, they wont be able to keep this thread from being deleted.
posted by ernie at 7:20 PM on November 8, 2006

... maybe I'm missing something. But don't the Democrats only have a majority if you lump the independants in with them?

Don't know about Sanders, but I'd not put money on Lieberman not going the other way.
posted by kafziel at 7:20 PM on November 8, 2006


Ugh. This is really big, really important news (even if you're not American). Let's give it some breathing room.
posted by Ricky_gr10 at 7:20 PM on November 8, 2006

Ugh. This is really big, really important news (even if you're not American). Let's give it some breathing room.

It's not news. It's the same report from the last 24 hours.
posted by Pollomacho at 7:21 PM on November 8, 2006

And there goes Bush's other nut, now he's a lame dick, I mean duck.

And I'm glad I can like Virginia again.
posted by fenriq at 7:24 PM on November 8, 2006

Hey, once ABC News Australia says it is so then its so or you'll get a boomerang in yer ass.
posted by fenriq at 7:28 PM on November 8, 2006

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