Well, today IS Sunday
June 17, 2007 3:17 PM   Subscribe

ComicsFilter: I really wanted to make this post just about Anders Nilsen (Please at least just look at his catalogue and click a preview or two, read this and think about this), the egregiously underappreciated comicker (much like Gipi). But then I found The Holy Consumption, which takes his power and multiplies it by four times through the collaboration of Jeffery Brown, John Hankiewicz and Paul Hornschmemeier and culminates in the Sunday Services. Don’t miss the blog either.
posted by OrangeDrink (12 comments total) 8 users marked this as a favorite
I really wanted to like this, after such an enthusiastic send-up...maybe it is just too sophisticated for me?
posted by misha at 3:31 PM on June 17, 2007

Nilsen's minimalism takes a while to get into, but I'm now an enthusiastic fan. He, Sammy Harkham, Kevin Huizenga, Brown, and Hornschmemeier are among the "art" comics people whose work I can get into. I can't wait for MoCCA Fest next week, when I get to paw the newest stuff from them all.
posted by beaucoupkevin at 4:57 PM on June 17, 2007

I instantly liked it. I'm not a sophisticated guy. Thanks.
posted by krilli at 5:02 PM on June 17, 2007

Dogs and Water is a favorite.
posted by shakespeherian at 5:05 PM on June 17, 2007

Also: Jeffrey Brown totally works at the Barnes & Noble right across from where I work.
posted by shakespeherian at 5:06 PM on June 17, 2007

It took a while to see the beauty, though.
posted by krilli at 5:06 PM on June 17, 2007

It's nice that as erratic as the publishing schedule for all these artists (and alternative comics in general) is, the Holy Consumption has been reliable for as long as its been around.
posted by pokermonk at 8:01 PM on June 17, 2007

After picking up a volume of Kramer's Ergot (in which Nilsen contributed) a few years ago and then coming across his "Big Questions," I've been a big fan. The serial work of his that I've read needs to be taken in a larger context, (as I found with Big Questions, reading it out of order, picking up whatever issues I could find, the series gradually forming a more complete picture), but he's a very unique and enjoyable talent.

I didn't realize he (and the rest of those guys) had a blog together. Thanks for the links!
posted by SmileyChewtrain at 8:46 PM on June 17, 2007

Very nice post, thanks. The Sunday Services are full of great drawings.
posted by mediareport at 9:18 PM on June 17, 2007

Some of Nilsen's work is truly touching - Don't Go Where I Can't Follow is absolutely worth reading.

I've enjoyed some of the stuff Brown and Hornschmemeier have done and am very excited that such a fantastic community of comic artists is developing in Chicago.

Still, I'm getting a bit tired of the self-referential, "look at my troubled and artistic life" genre. When I read this stuff I can almost hear Ira Glass providing narration. It starts to wear on me.

But as good ol' LeVar Burton would say: Don't take my word for it! Go read comics!
posted by aladfar at 10:24 AM on June 18, 2007

Nice post! I'm friends with Hornschmemeier - my boyfriend used to play drums in his band - and he's the nicest guy you could ever meet in addition to being brilliantly talented. His Mother Come Home collection was the first piece of his I read, and it made me cry.

When I read this stuff I can almost hear Ira Glass providing narration.

Funny you should say that - in looking through Paul's site, I just noticed that he did some illustrations featuring This American Life shows for a public radio pledge drive. Ha!
posted by misskaz at 12:04 PM on June 18, 2007

I'm blown away. Thanks, OrangeDrink.
posted by olecranon at 9:39 AM on July 1, 2007

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