The Waterhobo
October 13, 2007 7:49 AM   Subscribe

[this is great]
posted by sciurus at 7:56 AM on October 13, 2007

Cool but... wouldn't this bring kids *to* your lawn. Like, in droves?
posted by mcstayinskool at 7:58 AM on October 13, 2007

needs more power. thats a light sprinkling on these kids. you need a deluge dammit. a deluge!
posted by Mach5 at 8:15 AM on October 13, 2007

Nicely done Soliloquy.
posted by caddis at 8:21 AM on October 13, 2007

Once upon a time a subdivision swimming pool caused a minor problem, but to a problem solving geek a problem is a problem that needs an answer.

Malkovich malkovich problem.
posted by cortex at 8:29 AM on October 13, 2007

In summer, I picture there will be a lot of kids in bathing suits running in circles on that grass.
posted by miss lynnster at 8:35 AM on October 13, 2007

The problem is that water is not at all punitive to people walking to and from a swimming pool. I suggest adding lots of yellow food colouring to the water.
posted by srboisvert at 8:38 AM on October 13, 2007 [1 favorite]

I've never understood the whole "my lawn must be a pristine swath of untouched green grass" thing. I mean, its just grass for crying out loud. The fact that this person invested so much time, money, and attention into trying to discourage people from walking on his sacred grass seems to indicate that he has some weird priorities.

I mean, its his time, I'm not going to say that he should be forbidden from doing this, I'm just saying I think its pretty messed up.
posted by sotonohito at 8:51 AM on October 13, 2007 [1 favorite]

posted by kryptondog at 8:53 AM on October 13, 2007

The apex of mankind.
posted by YoBananaBoy at 9:01 AM on October 13, 2007

And here I was hoping that someone would be deterring visitors by placing a realistic squirting hobo on their lawn. I'm disappointed.

And count me as also mystified by the inviolate-lawn principle so sacred to suburban men. Just imagine: People walking by you, on their way to the swimming pool. Must kill!
posted by argybarg at 9:01 AM on October 13, 2007 [1 favorite]

I've never understood the whole "my lawn must be a pristine swath of untouched green grass" thing. I mean, its just grass for crying out loud. The fact that this person invested so much time, money, and attention into trying to discourage people from walking on his sacred grass seems to indicate that he has some weird priorities.

I'm guessing you don't have a lawn, or a house either for that matter. The lawn is his property. Would you think it was OK for him to be bothered by people wandering up onto his porch (assuming he had one)? How about through his living room and kitchen to the back door—hey, it's a quicker way to get to the pool? Spare me your hippy-dippy "everybody should be able to go where they want, the world is everyone's property!" philosophy, at least until you acquire some property and can exercise your philosophy on your own property rights. I'm looking out at my front lawn right now, and damn right I don't want people wandering across it, any more than you want them in the room you're in now.

As for as lawn condition goes, in a lot of places neighbors will give you shit if it gets too bad, and associations may be able to enforce it.
posted by languagehat at 9:02 AM on October 13, 2007 [4 favorites]

From the site - features he would like to add:

Using sound effects from Star Trek, Mars Attacks, Daffy Duck and Yosimini Sam add to the fun

Who the hell is Yosimini Sam? Isn't he on the no-fly list?
posted by Benny Andajetz at 9:24 AM on October 13, 2007 [5 favorites]

Won't anybody think about the little rabbits?
posted by ericb at 9:28 AM on October 13, 2007

It took me a distressingly long time reading this before I realized it was just shooting water.
posted by Navelgazer at 9:33 AM on October 13, 2007 was just shooting water.

Yeah -- he should add bleach or something.
posted by ericb at 9:36 AM on October 13, 2007 [3 favorites]

The lawn is his property.

That's the salient point — that if his neighbors keep trampling across it, then it won't be "his property" anymore. Eventually they'll establish a right of way that can, and probably will, lower the value of his land.

I didn't see where he was concerned about "pristine grass" or having an "inviolate lawn." Maybe he just doesn't want a bunch of selfish sluggards shaving 10 yards off his property line.
posted by cribcage at 9:40 AM on October 13, 2007

We also have problems with neighborhood kids and the occasional adult cutting through our tiny front yard, climbing a fence or even opening the gate to do so. One side of our front yard abuts the usual suspects' backyard, so they cross through our yard instead of walking around the corner houses. For us it's not about ruining a pristine lawn, it's about them intruding into our personal space and trampling our flowers in the process. I doubt they would like it much if we went and sat in their backyard.

A Waterhobo wouldn't work for us though. In the heat of summer the kids would see it as free entertainment, and much closer than the public pool three blocks away.
posted by Soliloquy at 9:44 AM on October 13, 2007

Yeah -- he should add bleach or something.

Which would... kill the precious lawn.
posted by miss lynnster at 9:47 AM on October 13, 2007 [1 favorite]

Squirt gun, meh. Use one of these little babies (movie dump tank), and wash those kids right outta your hair.
posted by cenoxo at 9:48 AM on October 13, 2007

well we will refer to them as collateral damage

That's the terminology I used as well. The judge was not amused.

Mach5: needs more power.

I have two words that would take this from mildly entertaining to truly awesome:

Fire hose.
posted by quin at 10:01 AM on October 13, 2007 [1 favorite]

Should use an airsoft gun. That'd keep people away :)
posted by DMan at 10:11 AM on October 13, 2007

Classical music.
posted by Tube at 10:33 AM on October 13, 2007 was just shooting water.

Yeah -- he should add bleach or something.

My point was that, since the page is basically written like timecube, I had no idea what he was talking about (rabbits? fire?) until about halfway down. I thought he'd built a motion-sensor automatic firearm for shooting rabbits in his yard, and then watching the footage over again.

I was relieved when I found out it was just an anal-retentive freak.
posted by Navelgazer at 10:35 AM on October 13, 2007 [1 favorite]

Even as few as a dozen people a day walking the same path will quickly compact the soil, making it impossible for anything to grow there. Though it seems like the guy has plenty of lawn; why not just plant a few strategic rose bushes?
posted by oneirodynia at 10:36 AM on October 13, 2007

I predict he's going to be a very unhappy camper the night of October 31.
posted by zippy at 10:59 AM on October 13, 2007 [1 favorite]

"...why not just plant a few strategic rose bushes?"

Where would the Rube Goldberg fun be in that?
posted by bz at 11:03 AM on October 13, 2007

In the early 90s phone companies started to try to flog videophones that used ISDN. They always seemed like a waste of time to me but somebody came up with a service whereby you could dial a number, see his ducks and press keys on the keypad to aim and fire a jet of water at them. It is still the best use of videophone technology I have seen. Warthog need to do this - however he comes over as slightly cerifiable so I won't suggest this to him.
posted by rongorongo at 11:04 AM on October 13, 2007

That's the salient point — that if his neighbors keep trampling across it, then it won't be "his property" anymore. Eventually they'll establish a right of way that can, and probably will, lower the value of his land.

Who would record this right of way? Prescriptive rights rarely, if ever, hold up in court.

Seems there are a hundred better ways to deal with this, although I admire his spirit, if nothing else.
posted by vaportrail at 11:12 AM on October 13, 2007

This is a cool toy, but man, build a fence, plant some pampas grass, put up a sign, politely ask people when you see them-- there are lots of simpler ways to accomplish this (vicious attack dogs?)
Also, if the strip is split between he and his neighbor, collaborate with the neighbor to build a fence or whatever. Or, if the neighbor doesn't care if people walk through, just protect his side and let them walk on the neighbor's property.

Also, he should totally just hook it up to an entire sprinkler system instead of one watergun, so that there's no dodging.
posted by agentofselection at 11:38 AM on October 13, 2007

Perhaps a re-approach is required - Replace tired old water with the Active Denial System! Nothing keeps lawns as untrodden as the sensation of your skin being on fire.

Alternatively, roast the bastards.
posted by 6am at 11:53 AM on October 13, 2007

Or a spear and magic helmet.
posted by Tube at 12:18 PM on October 13, 2007

Spear and magic helmet?
posted by ROU_Xenophobe at 12:26 PM on October 13, 2007 [1 favorite]

The army man totally wins it for me.
posted by kuujjuarapik at 12:59 PM on October 13, 2007

Actually, languagehat I do have a house, with a yard. I'm annoyed by the jackasses who throw beer cans (and bottles) in my yard, I live next to a park that people like to circle while playing their car music systems at a volume roughly comparable to earthquakes, while drinking beer and tossing their empties into my yard. I don't give a shit about the grass, when it gets too tall I reluctantly mow it, and feel annoyed that I have to do *anything* to care for some fricking grass. Its grass, I don't care about it. I have a small flower garden (well away from the path of beer cans), and that I care about. Grass is just grass, who cares.

Some kids walking through my yard to get to a swimming pool would be a welcome change.

And, re: lawns, neighbors, and those little pockets of fascism called "Neighborhood Associations" and "Homeowner's Associations", anyone who lives in a place where they get shit because they don't maintain a faux British Manor House style "Lawn" gets zero sympathy from me. Homeowner's Associations should be banned by law, and if your neighbors throw a hissy fit because you won't devote insane amounts of time and energy to maintaining a patch of fucking grass, well, they're hardly the kind of people I'd care about pissing off.

Its his yard, and if he wants to prove to the universe that he's got a stick the size of a phone pole up his ass that's his business. And its my business if I want to point this out and say he's an asshole and an idiot.
posted by sotonohito at 1:00 PM on October 13, 2007

Huh. I just thought this was a cool project regardless of the aims.
posted by grouse at 1:11 PM on October 13, 2007 [1 favorite]

I feel like some of the people who are saying "dude, build a fence, plant some bushes, etc." are perhaps overlooking the simple fun factor that the guy had in building this things and making it work. I guess I read it more as him beind slightly annoyed by people cutting through his lawn, and then taking it as an opportunity to build something fun/cool and share the results.

After all, he calls it a "minor problem," and he could have been a heck of a lot more cruel in his choice of "weaponry" (I mean, it's water). So I guess I just don't see this is a case of someone with a stick up his ass, but more an example of someone using a small issue as a reason to engage in some geeky fun. Unnecessary? Yep. Wierd? Sure. Asshole? I think that's an overstatement.
posted by the other side at 1:53 PM on October 13, 2007

Oh, you people are so ridiculously grouchy!

In fact, given just how much Metafilter is all about misanthropy, I find it tough to believe that in your heart of cold, black hearts, you're not just cranky because you didn't think of it first.

I think this guy is a GENIUS. I was a much nicer person when I was young. Since turning 30, I'm super grouchy, hate everyone, and would love to have a WaterHobo for all areas of my life: freeways, people who stand too close to me in bookstores, people who give running commentary in movie theaters.
posted by thehmsbeagle at 2:00 PM on October 13, 2007

the funny thing is watching them run away from a stream of water, wearing bathing suits on their way to/from a swimming pool

My house is on a corner lot without a sidewalk on one side so I pretty much have had to accept that people will walk on my lawn - but with pedestrian traffic comes garbage, graffiti and noise. I get silent enjoyment out of leaving my sprinkler on at night, sitting on my deck and watching loud mouthed kids walk through it unexpectedly.
posted by jeffmik at 2:50 PM on October 13, 2007

This guy is beggin' for an eggin'
posted by thewittyname at 3:15 PM on October 13, 2007 [3 favorites]

Yeah, I can just see this approach to maintaining the sanctity of one's property as an escalating war on both sides:

1) Kids txt friends, who make a lawn party out of your hobo
2) You increase water pressure, or otherwise raise the stakes by adding bleach or food dye
3) Irate parents demand reparations for bleach- or "pee"-stained trespass togs
4) You replace statue of hobo with Belgian lawn jockey
5) Kids starting carrying rolls of toilet paper, which when wet ...

Why doesn't the guy just buy a Doberman, like every other unfriendly neighbor?
posted by rob511 at 5:29 PM on October 13, 2007

posted by ZachsMind at 6:04 PM on October 13, 2007

Christ, what an asshole. It's people like these that single handedly ruin the atmosphere of a neighborhood.
posted by bunnytricks at 7:19 PM on October 13, 2007

BunnyTricks, you're just upset cuz he's targetting "you."
posted by ZachsMind at 7:29 PM on October 13, 2007 [2 favorites]

Geez Soto, take a pill or something. Relax a bit. Getting in a pissing contest over lawn care(or lack of) seems a bit ridiculous.
posted by a3matrix at 8:04 PM on October 13, 2007

I'm a geek, but I would have gone with a fence/gate solution.
posted by mattoxic at 8:41 PM on October 13, 2007

get off my lawn!
posted by killy willy at 8:48 PM on October 13, 2007

it would have been cheaper to get a dog.
posted by mr_book at 10:39 PM on October 13, 2007

Yeah, and all that time he wasted documenting his life and putting it online!!! What a loser
posted by shownomercy at 7:53 AM on October 14, 2007

Well said, sotonohito. I was hoping you'd be back to reply to that. Languagehat, "hippy-dippy"? Ouch, even I felt that.
posted by wafaa at 8:31 AM on October 14, 2007

Yeah, and all that time he wasted documenting his life and putting it online!!! What a loser

Yeah! What a TOTAL loser! Ha ha ha!

*Looks around the room. Looks in mirror. Sighs. Slinks away.*
posted by miss lynnster at 8:45 AM on October 14, 2007

"Its grass, I don't care about it. I have a small flower garden (well away from the path of beer cans), and that I care about. Grass is just grass, who cares."

So you're that self centered asshole that's causing my property value to go down and making the place look like a trailer park. Way to go, douchenozzle!

posted by drstein at 10:27 AM on October 14, 2007

Funny, sotonohito, sound like you're the asshole/idiot.
posted by puke & cry at 11:55 AM on October 14, 2007

I have a home. I have a lawn. I have no idea why this guy wouldn't just expand his fence to include all of "his" property if he's so worried about it. After all, if the parents aren't there to teach their children respect (not riding bikes on other people's property, whatever) just put a non-confrontational obstacle there. When I was growing up, we took shortcuts and such, but it wasn't out of mailce or disrespect-- we were just being kids.

I vividly remember there being a tree in an alley running behind all of our houses, and it wasn't the only tree around, but it was in what we perceived the "common" area of the alley -- it wasn't behind the guy's fence. We climbed it all the time. One day, we came out and the lower branches had been cut. No more climbing tree; we went elsewhere for our climbing. Had the guy moved the fence, same result would have happened. If he'd set up an automatic water cannon, we would have suddenly found it to be a confrontational situation, and would likely have concocted ways of getting revenge. So yeah, this guy is definitely in for an egging at the very least.

A similar situation also happened with a guy who had a corner lot, and we ALWAYS cut across the grass when riding our bikes, because we were always "racing" and it was faster than turning the 90-degree sidewalk corner. The guy put up a barricade, which was fine, and (amusingly) very much obviously to stop us and us alone -- instead of running along both sides of his property as two sides of a box, it ran at 45 degrees from the corner to his home. What made that one ugly, though, was he initially set it up as a run of wire at bicycle handlebar level, and it was really hard to see. One accident and set of medical expenses later (he and the family of the kid split the costs) he put up a nice normal fence (still at 45 degrees) that stopped the problem without being vindictive.

I understand people not wanting dogs crapping on their lawn; I have dogs, and I don't like it any more than people with lawns who don't own dogs. But hey, let your dogs run around on my lawn, what do I care? If I get sick of it, I'll put in a hedge or something, and then the dogs will find it easier to run around it instead of jumping over it, and no more dogs on my lawn. Kids are similar.

This guy wants results, he needs to pull down the signs and extend his fence, and if the HOA won't let him, he needs to pave it and let the grass go.
posted by davejay at 4:45 PM on October 14, 2007

The other suggestions provided in this thread are nice suggestions, but they wouldn't be worth posting to the Web.

"People were cutting through my lawn, so I made a taller fence. Wanna see pictures?"

Uh. Not really.

"People were cutting through my lawn, so I rigged up a motion sensor that would hilariously hose them down with water. Wanna see?"


I think this guy wanted to generate videos he could laugh at while drinking a beer, at the expense of strangers who entered his property without permission. If he gets egged, he'll record that, and up the ante. Maybe he'll put food coloring in the water next time. Make people think they're getting peed on by a very large dog. That oughtta be funny. I don't think he wants a real solution. Where's the fun in that?
posted by ZachsMind at 5:23 PM on October 14, 2007

Wow. Plate of beans anyone? 'Cuz really, isn't this not even about the lawn so much as it's about some guy (I'm betting a guy who probably loved watching Tim Allen on Home Improvement, but that's just a guess) who is super proud that he invented and built a machine that shoots his neighbors with water?

Or maybe I just have too much estrogen to see the bigger picture here. That could be it.
posted by miss lynnster at 6:18 PM on October 14, 2007

The bigger picture: this thread is divided equally between lawn-walkers and lawn-protectors. Never the twain shall meet. Except in me. I happily walk on the lawns of others, but woe betide anybody who walks on my lawn.

Also: that was a crap lawn. Hardly worth protecting at all. Not a mower stripe in sight.
posted by PeterMcDermott at 3:16 AM on October 15, 2007

It would have been better if acid was shooting out of that thing.
posted by dasheekeejones at 3:51 AM on October 15, 2007

I've been wanting to build something similar, with a laser pointer instead of water, for my cat, to amuse and exercise him when I'm at work.
Of course now that I think about it, water would probably get him moving more consistently than the laser would.
posted by nomisxid at 9:33 AM on October 15, 2007

A quick search for motion sprinkler turns up lots of simple infrared motion-activated sprinkler systems for pest control purposes. No phidgets, X10, or GB of RAM is needed! They won't target the motion, but will quickly rotate to sweep a wide area and would easily discourage people from walking across the lawn. I think one of these sub-$100 things would cover all of his stated requirements except for the video recording and manual firing, but a garden hose and handheld camera could cover those.

I guess the waterhobo was probably more fun to build, though.
posted by finite at 9:51 PM on October 15, 2007

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