I'll have the panda, please.
January 6, 2008 11:24 PM   Subscribe

This post was deleted for the following reason: Yeah, this is an oldie but a goodie -- mathowie

Apologies, but I believe this may be a double.
posted by Blazecock Pileon at 11:27 PM on January 6, 2008

Hai! Sumimasen! :(
posted by miss lynnster at 11:32 PM on January 6, 2008

Oops. Looks like you're right. And I searched, too.
posted by Kraftmatic Adjustable Cheese at 11:32 PM on January 6, 2008

P.S. -- 最新の!

(I think that means "last"...?)
posted by miss lynnster at 11:36 PM on January 6, 2008

via reddit?? you bypassed 37 Ron Paul stories for this??
posted by wendell at 11:38 PM on January 6, 2008

Hey. I got a snarky comment in before cortex deleted the post! First time this year! In your face, cortie!!!!
posted by wendell at 11:39 PM on January 6, 2008

It's funny no matter how many times I see it. Is there a statute of limitation as to when a post can be considered less of a double and more of a "worth revisiting, especially if you haven't seen it before"?
posted by not_on_display at 11:39 PM on January 6, 2008

And why link to that blog when you coulda linked directly to youtube?
posted by Dave Faris at 11:56 PM on January 6, 2008 [1 favorite]

This is part of an awesome series from a group called Rahmens. Much of their stuff has vanished from YouTube. Here's some of what's left:

Chopsticks: The Japanese Tradition

Apologizing: The Japanese Tradition

Origami: The Japanese Tradition (limited English subtitles, but comprehensible)

Green tea: The Japanese Tradition (no English subtitles, but comprehensible)

How to be a more manly man

They also do Mac commercials: 1 2
posted by maudlin at 12:05 AM on January 7, 2008 [3 favorites]

(Thanks to plastiquemonkey and the gang at VideoSift for digging up these in the first place.)
posted by maudlin at 12:08 AM on January 7, 2008

Ooo! Thanks maudlin! After the video was first posted I looked around for other videos which these guys did but without much success.
posted by ooga_booga at 12:09 AM on January 7, 2008

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