Web Editor of Harper's Magazine
February 7, 2010 1:49 PM   Subscribe

A conversation with Paul Ford, of Ftrain.com, mostly about Harper's paywall (via)
posted by kliuless (5 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Yep, we were just talking about this over in Metatalk. -- cortex

As mentioned here.
posted by tellurian at 1:59 PM on February 7, 2010

posted by exlotuseater at 2:00 PM on February 7, 2010

posted by exlotuseater at 2:00 PM on February 7, 2010

redundant MetaTalk link

It was really disheartening to learn that someone with so much passion for facilitating quality, free, online content has so few resources allocated to him. Then again, he's doing a mighty fine job of it by himself.
posted by carsonb at 2:02 PM on February 7, 2010

carsonb, I like to concentrate on the corollary, which is that no amount of "resource" is the equal of a thoughtful person pursuing what they think best.
posted by i_am_joe's_spleen at 2:37 PM on February 7, 2010

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