December 23, 2010 3:20 AM   Subscribe

Dog Door Afternoon
posted by twoleftfeet at 3:30 AM on December 23, 2010 [3 favorites]

A delightful curation! The ones with floppy-eared puppies are the best.
posted by Mizu at 3:33 AM on December 23, 2010

There are way more of these than I would have guessed. So thanks for that.
posted by twoleftfeet at 3:43 AM on December 23, 2010

Wow. I had no idea this was a "thing".


My mother's puppy used to spend a lot of time trying to subdue the letterbox. Same sort of deal.
posted by lollusc at 4:11 AM on December 23, 2010

That's far too easy, you need a cat for the job.
posted by hardcode at 4:15 AM on December 23, 2010 [8 favorites]

Bend it like Beckham?
posted by memebake at 4:19 AM on December 23, 2010 [1 favorite]

Luckily, "dudekiller vs spring door stop" hasn't hit Youtube yet, but it's eerily similar.
posted by dudekiller at 4:19 AM on December 23, 2010 [2 favorites]

My one year old does the same thing with less barking and more giggling.
posted by The 10th Regiment of Foot at 4:23 AM on December 23, 2010

The doorstops in a couple of these videos seem like they're in an odd spot. Like they're not actually in danger of getting hit by a door.

I mean, awwww.
posted by Gator at 4:56 AM on December 23, 2010

I used to do this as a kid. One of the few toys I can remember. I liked the sound....
posted by Bovine Love at 4:56 AM on December 23, 2010 [3 favorites]

Husky says "Brown Dogs are basically not very smart...sheesh."
posted by HuronBob at 5:02 AM on December 23, 2010

Sure it's funny now, but I don't wanna be the guy who happens to walk past one of these dogs whilst naked and aroused.
posted by Ritchie at 5:07 AM on December 23, 2010 [2 favorites]

These dogs are already naked, what are you talking about?
posted by HuronBob at 5:15 AM on December 23, 2010 [1 favorite]

Ritchie: "Sure it's funny now, but I don't wanna be the guy who happens to walk past one of these dogs whilst naked and aroused"

You mean your junk makes a sproingy sound when swatted?
posted by bwg at 5:23 AM on December 23, 2010 [4 favorites]

These things are an issue in my house - my dog thinks the rubber bumpers on the end of the springs are chewing gum. He'll pull one off and chew on it, literally, all day.

You think the "sproing, sproing, sproing" of the spring gets annoying until you hear the "squeesh,squeesh, squeesh" of a hollow rubber pellet being savored by a canine.
posted by Benny Andajetz at 5:26 AM on December 23, 2010 [4 favorites]

Cute. But note to self: never, ever, get a spring door stop if you plan to both have a dog and sleep at any point in time.
posted by valkyryn at 5:32 AM on December 23, 2010

You mean your junk makes a sproingy sound when swatted?

Yours doesn't?

posted by Ritchie at 5:45 AM on December 23, 2010

Ritchie: "You mean your junk makes a sproingy sound when swatted?

Yours doesn't?


Maybe I need a little blue pill.
posted by bwg at 5:56 AM on December 23, 2010

I am going to start selling boards with spring door stops attached as dog toys. They will be called "Spring Door DON'T Stop (the fun!)" and will cost $20. Email me your orders.
posted by orme at 7:04 AM on December 23, 2010 [1 favorite]

That's far too easy, you need a cat for the job.
Sometimes even with a quite large cat installed the door still bangs into the wall.
posted by Wolfdog at 8:09 AM on December 23, 2010 [5 favorites]

Wolfdog: "That's far too easy, you need a cat for the job.
Sometimes even with a quite large cat installed the door still bangs into the wall.
They have highly compressible fur. A common problem with door cats. You need to get them a sweater.
posted by msbutah at 8:38 AM on December 23, 2010

We used to have a Sheltie, and the only time he ever played with the door stop was in the middle of the night. The wall of the apartment was like an enormous sounding board. Bbbbrrrrooonnggg...yip yip yip yip yip....bbbbrrrroooooonnnngggggg.....yip yip yipyipyipyip yip yip..... bbbroongg..yipyip...brongbrongbrongbrongbbbbbbrrooonggggg...yipyipyipyip yip...
posted by Xoebe at 11:02 AM on December 23, 2010

Maybe they all think it's their tail, since they've all had theirs cut off.
posted by Red Loop at 2:56 PM on December 23, 2010

You mean your junk makes a sproingy sound when swatted?

You think that's bad? My dog thinks the rubber bumper on the end is chewing gum. He'll pull one off and chew on it, literally, all day.
posted by sebastienbailard at 6:42 PM on December 23, 2010

You think the "sproing, sproing, sproing" of the spring gets annoying until you hear the "squeesh,squeesh, squeesh" of a hollow rubber pellet being savored by a canine.

There’s a “no squeaky toys” rule in place for my dachshund puppy. If she gets one, she finds exactly where the squeaker is and proceeds to chew that exact spot repeatedly. This usually lasts about two minutes before the toy is forcibly extracted from her grasp and thrown someplace she can’t get to.
posted by spitefulcrow at 10:11 AM on December 24, 2010

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