Things you swore you'd never do, but now are
October 31, 2001 3:53 PM   Subscribe

Things you swore you'd never do, but now are Just how old do you feel? I've been definately feeling that whole year older today until I took this test and found out I'm only 37% an old fogie. Yes!
posted by feelinglistless (57 comments total)
Then, happy 37% birthday, I guess. How are you feeling today?
posted by msacheson at 4:00 PM on October 31, 2001

yikes. 48% ageing hypocrite.
posted by th3ph17 at 4:03 PM on October 31, 2001

Wow... 36% aging hypocrite. How awful. I really think they should have a box to type in your actual age, thus being able to perform more statistical analysis. Then again, I'm just a 36 percenter.
posted by phalkin at 4:03 PM on October 31, 2001

I am 40 % an ageing hypocrite (sic), and I NEVER fiddled the dole, no matter what anyone tells you!
posted by msacheson at 4:04 PM on October 31, 2001

posted by phatboy at 4:06 PM on October 31, 2001

How are you feeling today?


I refer the right honourable gentleman to the answer I gave some moments ago...
posted by feelinglistless at 4:07 PM on October 31, 2001

40%. I'm pretty sure it's the part from the waist up.

What is sweetex?
posted by skyscraper at 4:13 PM on October 31, 2001

44% at 22 years old.

Am I not taking enough drugs?
posted by andnbsp at 4:21 PM on October 31, 2001

What is sweetex?

Artificial sweetner
posted by feelinglistless at 4:22 PM on October 31, 2001

What is sweetex

Artificial sweetner

Thanks! I remain at 40%. Answering "yes" to use of sweetex increases the percentage by 12%!
posted by skyscraper at 4:29 PM on October 31, 2001

seethruzine loves mefi back
posted by lbergstr at 4:32 PM on October 31, 2001

seethruzine loves mefi back
posted by lbergstr at 4:32 PM on October 31, 2001

I'm at 52%- right now, I'm the fogiest of all- and probably the foggiest of all, too!
posted by dogwelder at 4:35 PM on October 31, 2001

*sigh*. I am ... 71% an old fogie. And I'm only 31. Still, at least I'm a hypocrite too.
posted by i_am_joe's_spleen at 4:41 PM on October 31, 2001

I'm a little child compared to the rest of you-- 32%....maybe I should be embarrassed?
posted by schlomo at 4:42 PM on October 31, 2001

24%. 22 years old.

Living. In. Parents'. Basement.

I, uh, win?
posted by cortex at 4:54 PM on October 31, 2001

I'm 28%, although really by the skin of my teeth: some questions ask "do you still do" things (if I only started doing them recently, I said "no" because I don't still do them) or "have you stopped" doing things (if I never did them to begin with I said "no").
posted by kindall at 4:56 PM on October 31, 2001

seethruzine loves mefi back

Is that another sign of aging?
posted by feelinglistless at 5:03 PM on October 31, 2001

These guys seem really mean.
posted by Hildago at 5:08 PM on October 31, 2001

40% at 31. Hmmmm....
posted by fooljay at 5:15 PM on October 31, 2001

Just to let everyone in the US know -- this site was created to compliment a 'drama' series on BBC2 called Attachments -- it's meant to be the website the dot-commers in the series are supposed to be creating. The series itself wasn't terribly good (and still isn't in it's second series) but overall the website is OK ... certainly more hits than misses and has become it's own entity. The most amusing by-product of the series though is the hate website. You may find the cut of it's jib strangely familiar...
posted by feelinglistless at 5:18 PM on October 31, 2001

52% at 20?! What am I doing wrong? Not enough drugs? Too much artificial sweetener? I don't even have a corporate job! *sigh* I'll just shuffle back to my premature old fogie hovel now...
posted by BurnedEve at 5:23 PM on October 31, 2001

Just 4% aging hypocrite. Boy, if I only did drugs...
posted by stopgap at 5:33 PM on October 31, 2001

24% at 25. Sorry cortex.
posted by mzanatta at 5:34 PM on October 31, 2001

67% at 31. At least I beat out i_am_joe's_spleen.

(Oy...I'm going to go have a Mylanta.)
posted by theMargin at 5:49 PM on October 31, 2001

20% at 22. i win... i win...
posted by arrowhead at 5:52 PM on October 31, 2001

Wow I did great only 40% at age 40. Makes me wonder how foggish you guys will be at my age! But then again I did come from a much more "fun" generation if you get my drift.
I have always felt bad for your generation.... we got to have fun with much less consequence,(no wonder you all seem so angry) Oh the stories I could tell *wink*.
posted by carolinagrl at 5:55 PM on October 31, 2001

40% and older than her--eat my dust, Whine Xers!
posted by y2karl at 6:01 PM on October 31, 2001

Forsooth! 76% at 31. I only wish this had been my score when I took the Slut Test ... Has anyone seen my Geritol?
posted by mosspink at 6:07 PM on October 31, 2001

48%. Pass the herbal tea and my lap robe please, I think Poirot is on now.
posted by kittyloop at 6:13 PM on October 31, 2001

16 % an ageing hypocrite.

I take issue with their results. I'm 30 going on 55. I'm the one making sure my friends have health insurance. I barely drink anymore and just took a two-week break from caffiene which I'm enjoying so much I might not go back. We just got a cleaning lady for our apartment. I think watching interest rates is a worthwhile activity. 16%?

Oh well, I pretty much failed the geek quiz too.
posted by joemaller at 6:15 PM on October 31, 2001

42 percent. But what does feeling self-conscious in a bar - ever - have to do with getting old, exactly?
posted by raysmj at 6:33 PM on October 31, 2001

I'm 68%, and I'm only 19.


I also have a conservative political bent, which, a few years ago, I swore I would never have.
posted by ktheory at 6:39 PM on October 31, 2001

Then if at 50 (51 on sunday), being 36% aging hypocrite don't sound so bad.
posted by fpatrick at 6:42 PM on October 31, 2001

Geezz you guys I am 48 and only got 42%!!! We had fun when I was young.
posted by bjgeiger at 6:54 PM on October 31, 2001

52% old fogey.....seeing that result made me feel an additional 20% older. Am I going to end up like the old people I used to make fun of - the ones who think they're cool but are actually helplessly dorky?
posted by Oriole Adams at 7:25 PM on October 31, 2001

28% aging hypocrite at 35.

ah well, i can live with that.
posted by bwg at 7:36 PM on October 31, 2001

68% ageing hypocrite (shouldn't that be aging) at 34. Frankly, I don't mind being married with kids, in on Friday nights (where else is an observant Jew supposed to be, anyway?) and I like chamomile tea, darnit. I also consider it a badge of honour to be out of touch with popular music.
posted by Dreama at 7:46 PM on October 31, 2001

20% at 20. does that mean I'm going to live to be a hundred?
posted by rabi at 7:53 PM on October 31, 2001

56% at 25. I was shocked at how low that was, actually. I was just recently thinking about getting a dog. No, that's not the bad part. The bad part is, my wife and I decided not to, because I often am away on weekends for various reasons. That is, we responsibly decided that a dog would not fit our current lifestyle.

That made me feel way older than thinking about a dog in the first place.
posted by rusty at 8:42 PM on October 31, 2001

Damn. 35th b-day just yesterday, and already I'm a fogey. Well...truth be told, I've been one for years.

Hey - turn down that damn music!
posted by davidmsc at 8:56 PM on October 31, 2001

40% at twenty, which makes me a bit embarressed. But in my defense, the current popular music does suck. If you define current and popular as the boy bands, which I did.
posted by stoneegg21 at 9:51 PM on October 31, 2001

56% aging hypocrite, and I just turned 28 last week. It probably would have been higher, but I quit my job in December to go back to school full-time. And believe me, I feel ancient around these college kids today. ; )
posted by SisterHavana at 10:10 PM on October 31, 2001

At 27, I got 40%, though I misreda the question about unprotected sex. The thing is, I`ve never been a Friday person, I`ve never done drugs or smoked anything (I`ve only held a cigarette 3 times in my life). And I don`t have a partner to not have sex with (despite what my ex sometimes seems to think.)

And the scariest part is that the pop music I haven`t lost track of is not Britney Spears, it`s Japanese pop music, the mere mention of which induces vomiting in many westerners.

To sum up: The test is flawed. Plus, it ignores the fact that the only two things that indicate "old" are BADTV ("Murder she wrote," "Diagnosis murder," "Judge Judy") and daily pills. I do neither.

Not that I`m sensitive about the issue...
posted by chiheisen at 10:29 PM on October 31, 2001

32%, and I'm 41. This is weird -- seems the younger people on here are getting the higher scores. Probably because they just haven't had time enough to do a lot of the "non-fogey" stuff. Or maybe people are complaining about their bad backs at a younger age these days. On the other hand, I've been complaining about my back since I was 11. Really.
posted by diddlegnome at 11:30 PM on October 31, 2001

Am I going to end up like the old people I used to make fun of - the ones who think they're cool but are actually helplessly dorky?

Um, Mr. Adams, could you put your pants back on and sit down? THe doctor will be in shortly to discuss your prognosis...
posted by y2karl at 12:25 AM on November 1, 2001

woohoo 28% and 34 years old.

horrible thought - remember those embarassing old people who tried to be trendy?
posted by andrew cooke at 12:37 AM on November 1, 2001

20% at 24.....yes......pass me a bevvy la!
posted by johnnyboy at 2:06 AM on November 1, 2001

36% at 30. Hmm, not so bad, could be better.
posted by salmacis at 2:25 AM on November 1, 2001

8% at 20 years old...NICE!!
posted by Jase_B at 3:54 AM on November 1, 2001

32% at 37, sounds fine to me. Now please excuse me, I have a rave to attend at my local geriatric club.
posted by talos at 4:52 AM on November 1, 2001

56% at 56 years of age: well-balanced!
posted by Carol Anne at 5:17 AM on November 1, 2001

52% at 26, I knew I was old before my time.
posted by evixir at 11:43 AM on November 1, 2001

44% at 36. (always been too old for my age)
Did anyone do the "are you a lesbian" or "is yours yum"?
posted by ginz at 11:44 AM on November 1, 2001

68% at 25. Pass the herbal tea and the olives.
posted by adampsyche at 11:55 AM on November 1, 2001

I'm confused. Does having affairs make you more of an old fogie or less?
posted by ljromanoff at 12:00 PM on November 1, 2001

are you a lesbian

I did. Although being a guy I'm sure the result was flawed -- apparently yes I am a lesbain.
posted by feelinglistless at 3:08 PM on November 1, 2001

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