message board message board
February 7, 2003 10:33 AM   Subscribe

the message board messageboard
(friday amusement - all text but maybe nsfw if they can read your screen)
a sock-puppet show of numerous odd stories. witness harold tucker's hallucinations in the cornfield, olivia's search for sterling bridgeport, and give sympathy to wally simmons tragedy with internet procured sperm pills or tyler grubb's suicidal bout with alcohol. lots of other strange sad and hilarious stuff there too. a fine lampoon on truth or identity as it's represented in forums or metafilter itself ...i mean, we're all real people right?
posted by Peter H (3 comments total)
Wow, interesting stuff. My brain needs a good scrubbing now, however.
posted by thanotopsis at 10:56 AM on February 7, 2003

The search for Sterling Bridgeport is hilarious -  "I will let you drink my passion in quantities larger than the Big Gulp cup you let me keep when you returned from 7-11 a week after you left to get jerky" - and a dead-on parody of what goes on in online forums.
posted by Salmonberry at 11:07 AM on February 7, 2003

i totally agree salmonberry. the search function is neat too
olivia is still looking
posted by Peter H at 12:09 PM on February 7, 2003

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