Invisible octopi could be anywhere. Even... right behind you.
August 8, 2003 9:50 PM   Subscribe

Did he who made the lamb make thee? O. vulgaris, now appearing on a sea floor near you.
posted by Hildago (12 comments total)
posted by imaswinger at 9:55 PM on August 8, 2003

Your post is doomed.
posted by jazon at 10:06 PM on August 8, 2003

Ahh hell. My first double-post. I searched for the URL, but I admit that's pretty much all I did. Figured it was too obscure to have showed up.

I blame it on society.
posted by Hildago at 10:09 PM on August 8, 2003

"I've seen this before!" he riposted.
posted by SPrintF at 10:24 PM on August 8, 2003

SPrintF - that's actually quite clever - did you get it from the swifties page, or is it an original?
posted by jonson at 10:58 PM on August 8, 2003

I understand how difficult it must be to check the front page for a double post, particularly one that was so cunning as to mention said O. Vulgaris in the title.
posted by Civil_Disobedient at 4:10 AM on August 9, 2003

anyone for triples?
posted by Busithoth at 5:16 AM on August 9, 2003

well, seeing how it was so cleverly camouflaged :D wow!
posted by kliuless at 6:58 AM on August 9, 2003

yawn... next?
posted by Macboy at 10:34 AM on August 9, 2003

To go to the next post, all you have to do is click the "Newer" link at the bottom of the page, or return to the front page and click the link after (below) this one.
posted by Hildago at 12:03 PM on August 9, 2003

Also, it's apparently octopuses. Cool post anyway, Hildago, even the second time.
posted by LittleMissCranky at 3:31 PM on August 9, 2003

Mmmmm, lamb.
posted by trondant at 9:57 AM on August 10, 2003

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