Bush Death toll
October 16, 2003 6:31 AM   Subscribe

The Clinton death list meme, so popular right before the 2000 election, has the possibility to start for GWB. WaPo, Oct 5th; Bush Family Babysitter Killed in Fairfax . I'm just wondering how you get your own car to roll on top of you?

"Officer Courtney Young, a police spokeswoman, said Champagne had gone outside the house about 9 p.m. Monday, reportedly to retrieve something from her car. The vehicle had been in gear, police said, and appeared to have rolled in her direction when Champagne was in front of it."
posted by CrazyJub (23 comments total)
I'm just wondering how you get your own car to roll on top of you?

don't put it in park?

or maybe it was this guy.
posted by clavdivs at 7:14 AM on October 16, 2003

posted by pardonyou? at 7:17 AM on October 16, 2003

Pretty obviously a tragic accident, and really not necessary to post here.

Besides, it looks like someone already took the idea of doing the same conspiracy addled kind of list for the bush family:
posted by malphigian at 7:26 AM on October 16, 2003

I really really don't think we need to work overtime to make a conspiracy list for Bush. The truth is bad enough. The man will go down in history as the worst president we've ever had. isn't that enough?
posted by y6y6y6 at 7:33 AM on October 16, 2003

I'm just wondering how you get your own car to roll on top of you?

The woman was 62 years of age. The car wasn't in Park. Do the math.

By the way, if noting this to the front page of Metafilter is your attempt to sink to the level of the Clinton DeathList folks--congratulations. Nicely done.

What are we supposed to be talking about, again?
posted by dhoyt at 7:35 AM on October 16, 2003

It was stupid for Clinton. It doesn't get less stupid because now you don't like the President.
posted by smackfu at 7:39 AM on October 16, 2003

posted by swerdloff at 8:12 AM on October 16, 2003

The man will go down in history as the worst president we've ever had.

so he tops Warren Harding?
posted by clavdivs at 8:17 AM on October 16, 2003

Let's not forget Hoover, either. He sucked!
posted by UncleFes at 8:30 AM on October 16, 2003

posted by insomnyuk at 8:34 AM on October 16, 2003

Hoover wasn't as bad as they make him out to be. He was President at a bad time and Roosevelt went on to implement a lot of the policies that Hoover advocated but FDR lambasted during the campaign. But, yeah, I'd say Bush ranks with Harding. If I had to rank "all-time worst," I'd probably have to go with:

1. Harding
2. Andrew Johnson
3. GWB
4. Grant
5. maybe Hayes?

Note the string of awful presidents right after the Civil War. Johnson was foisted on the nation-- the only southern Democrat to stick with the union. Then, the alcoholic war hero. Then the Hayes "election," where he was beaten by Samuel Tilden but a deal was made in the electoral college, which involved (among other things) prematurely ending reconstruction. Then, of course, Garfield got killed (leaving us with Arthur, who did a decent job, actually). Next, the country flipped between Cleveland and Harrison twice, and then McKinley, a decent President though hopelessly backwards by mondern standards, also got killed. Fortunately Roosevelt I managed to pull things together. It kind of makes you see how much less important the office was back then, though. Interesting, also, how assasination provided the nation with one decent President (Arthur), one awful one (Johnson) and one top-ten (Roosevelt I).

posted by vaca at 9:04 AM on October 16, 2003

What, no opinion on the other Johnson who arrived via assassination?
posted by coelecanth at 9:29 AM on October 16, 2003

Stopped once we got to a couple of tolerable presidents (namely Rosie I and Woody, though both are overrated IMHO). LBJ, I'd say, shares with the Roosevelts the outsized cult of personality. Unfortunately, his overreaching tore the country apart and basically bankrupted the liberal social agenda. To cop a phrase from lit review, I'd say his Presidency was "ambitious."

posted by vaca at 9:49 AM on October 16, 2003

Hold up a second now!

Champagne was seen talking to Brandy in a quiet whisper and The Gang are known for thier narcissism and paranoia...

Since we all know Duhbya has a little drinking problem it wasn't wise to have these lushly named ones around!

posted by nofundy at 10:32 AM on October 16, 2003

Interesting, also, how assassination provided the nation with one decent President (Arthur), one awful one (Johnson) and one top-ten (Roosevelt I).

yes, assassination was prime factor in allot of these events.

Arthur brought Fashion back to the White House with A tiffany windscreen, ferns everywhere.

good take vaca, on all that. But Woody was a vacillator in some respects, grant you there may have been intelligence failures, but look at the Invasion of Archangel. The Brits had all the Horses and all the Kings men out conquering/ remaking/ salvaging the globe. But Woody comes back with that failure with the 14 points. Not saying that excuses the league of Nations.

As a side note, this type of journalism/post/news speculation would have not been tolerated in 1919, IMO. Not at all. Let us not forget what led to the Palmer raids with the follow up show, 'J. Edgar and the File cabinets'. TERROR. yes, the Gimbel bombs. Hey did i mention that one went off, june 2, 1919, on Palmers (U.S. A.G.) porch. Parts of that bomber where found by Palmers neighbor, Ass. Sec. Of The Navy Roosevelt.
posted by clavdivs at 11:23 AM on October 16, 2003

Um, hellooo? How could everyone skip Nixon?

0. Watergate, et. al.
1. His "secret plan for peace" in Vietnam amounted to sabotaging the '68 peace talks
2. Illegally bombed Cambodia
3. Stood by while Pakistan massacred hundreds of thousands of people in the Balgladeshi civil war
4. Overthrew the democratically elected government of Chile

And there's Buchanan, who tolerated a treasonous Secretary of War and pushed this country into civil war. And Grant, who surrounded himself with thieves and scoundrels. Bush is bad, no doubt, but let's see what another couple of years can do to inch him up in the polls for worst president. There's still room for improvement.
posted by Civil_Disobedient at 1:53 PM on October 16, 2003 [1 favorite]

Thought I'd comment here, my post really had little to do with Bush (believe it or not) but more to do with: how do you get your car to roll on top of you? I tried myself in my parking lot, and I couldn't do it!
posted by CrazyJub at 3:30 PM on October 16, 2003

Oops, definitely dropped the ball on Buchanan. Definitely a top 5 baddy, maybe even beating out Andy J for the top spot. But I'm gonna have to disagree on Nixon-- he did some terrible things, but he also did some good things:

1) Brought us the EPA,
2) Ended the Vietnam War,
3) Went to China.

Of course, all of these were politically motivated to a great extent. But compare, say, with Reagan...

posted by vaca at 8:04 AM on October 17, 2003

How about Polk? If I remember right, wasn't he a fairly capable administrator who spent most of his time trying to grab land by any means necessary?
posted by COBRA! at 8:14 AM on October 17, 2003

Yes, by the current anti-Bush standards, I would think that Polk's physical expansionism would make him lead the list.

The others were merely incompetent, but Polk was eeee-vil (negotiated the Brits out of Oregon country, and when Mexico wouldn't sell California, he made sure we got it by other means).

But he was pretty good at it.
posted by obfusciatrist at 8:28 AM on October 17, 2003

I believe he also had what we 21st-century folks would call a proto-mullet.
posted by COBRA! at 8:36 AM on October 17, 2003

I don't know, obfusciatrist -- there might be a couple of Giants who disagree with you on Polk.
posted by Civil_Disobedient at 11:26 AM on October 17, 2003

I would think that Polk's physical expansionism would make him lead the list.

posted by clavdivs at 5:52 PM on October 17, 2003

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