Feminism Gone Wild
March 3, 2005 10:03 AM   Subscribe

Stupid feminists.
Hey, not all feminists are stupid, naturally. But some are. [via aldaily]
posted by mcgraw (11 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: suspect phrasing.

Bad post. Very.
posted by Ethereal Bligh at 10:05 AM on March 3, 2005

did you need a reminder about stones and glass houses mcgraw?
posted by specialk420 at 10:07 AM on March 3, 2005


Where's Jessamyn and her magic delete powers?
posted by jokeefe at 10:08 AM on March 3, 2005

“City Journal is the best magazine in America.” - Peggy Noonan

Well, I'm sold.
posted by gwint at 10:14 AM on March 3, 2005

Hmmm. I got an error while trying to flag the post. I'll try again.
posted by jokeefe at 10:14 AM on March 3, 2005

This post is a troll and should be deleted as such.
posted by OmieWise at 10:16 AM on March 3, 2005

mcgraw, you have failed us.
posted by Specklet at 10:17 AM on March 3, 2005

it's a poorly chosen, potentially trolling, post title - but linked to an article not without its merits
posted by quaeler at 10:17 AM on March 3, 2005

Hey, not all mcgraws are stupid, naturally. But some are.
posted by dejah420 at 10:20 AM on March 3, 2005

I've been following the Estrich/Kinsey feud and find it fascinating on more than one level, but the article's use of it to tar all "feminists" contributes nothing but trollery to the story.
posted by wendell at 10:22 AM on March 3, 2005

While waiting for this to be deleted, I looked around The City Journal site; it's funded by The Manhattan Institute. The striking thing about this is that the Institute appears to be a pretty sober organization, with members of NYU faculty on board, and so on. I'm surprised that any magazine with aims toward publishing serious commentary gave the green light to such an article, which is just an anti-feminist hissy fit.
posted by jokeefe at 10:23 AM on March 3, 2005

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