June 1, 2011 5:00 PM   Subscribe

HUH. Magazine is a media platform with the latest, most relevant news from the worlds of art, fashion, design, music and film. Recent features include: Harvest by Haroshi: Skate and Destroy, artworks created with old worn, or snapped, skateboard decks | Disassembly, capturing relics of our past in a unique, dismantled and exposed form | Murakami at Versailles, knee-deep in controversy since its inception | and Darren's Great Big Camera, a short documentary about a camera that shoots on 14" x 36" negatives and measures 6ft. in length.
posted by netbros (7 comments total) 6 users marked this as a favorite
I see they have Polaroids from Blade Runner.
posted by Rashomon at 5:43 PM on June 1, 2011

posted by penduluum at 7:07 PM on June 1, 2011

Why the pipes? | Have the periods stopped working? Maybe | it is a way to recycle all the snapped skateboard decks | or maybe | there were none left after the magazine was named HUH.Magazine|
posted by SeeAych4 at 7:54 PM on June 1, 2011

Really neat. Thanks.
posted by Apropos of Something at 7:59 PM on June 1, 2011

Not to be confused with hUH or however it was capitalized.
posted by tremspeed at 8:36 PM on June 1, 2011

There is only one Huh magazine and it's this one.

There is also only one music festival and its the Us Festival!
posted by Senor Cardgage at 12:43 AM on June 2, 2011

Is this the sister publication of the esteemed medical journal "DUH"?
posted by Sys Rq at 8:48 AM on June 2, 2011

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