Ron Fineman's On The Record
September 21, 2001 11:00 PM   Subscribe

Ron Fineman's On The Record is a well-done critical look at TV news. It's centered on the LA market and most of the discussion relates to LA stations, but networks and cable channels are covered too and (for a TV news geek like me at least) it's all interesting. The letters section is usually a pretty lively discussion, and the "Broadcasteze Citation of the Week" highlights stuff that anchors and reporters say that no one else ever would.
posted by Vidiot (1 comment total)
Vidiot: Interesting link. I'm a media-nut, too; I never seem to have enough time to click through every link & story on MediaNews, but I try!
posted by davidmsc at 7:23 AM on September 22, 2001

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