Getting Away with Murder - The Impunity Index
October 11, 2011 8:15 PM   Subscribe

Getting Away with Murder - The Impunity Index. The Committee to Protect Journalists' 2011 Impunity Index spotlights the 13 worst countries where journalists are slain and killers go free. The CPJ is also behind the International Press Freedom Awards. This year's awards are taking place in New York, Nov 22nd. The recipients are: Mansoor al-Jamri - Bahrain. Natalya Radina, Belarus. Javier Arturo Valdez Cárdenas, Mexico and Umar Cheema, Pakistan.
posted by storybored (3 comments total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
Thanks for this post, storybored. I continue to be awed by how brave so many journalists are. I knew about many of these countries, but I had no idea the situation was so bad in the Philippines. On a positive note, it sounds like things are improving in Russia.
posted by madamjujujive at 6:21 AM on October 12, 2011

Same here about the Phillipines, madamjujujive, The only other surprise was Brazil, but they are at least further down the list.
posted by storybored at 6:26 AM on October 12, 2011

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