Washington's New Wise Men
October 22, 2001 7:08 AM   Subscribe

Washington's New Wise Men are detailed in the latest issue of the Washingtonian magazine. There are some changes from the Cold War era -- like including women in the list. Did they miss anyone? (via Political Wire.) Also from this site: the latest terrorism news and Taliban news.
posted by flip (2 comments total)
flip: Why not link directly to the Washingtonian article that the polticalwire piece references? (71 People the President Should Listen To)

I agree with the inclusion of most of the people on the list, but don't know how many of the "old-style wisemen" really should have the president's ear, or maybe I just don't think they should be at the top of the list-- because these people still represent cold war thinking. We are not doing anything here that is old-style, so why should the old-style voices be at the top of the list? While their experience is valuble, little of it is particularly relevant today....
posted by andrewraff at 7:37 AM on October 22, 2001

As far as media people, based on his book "The Best and the Brightest", I'd include David Halberstam, not only for what he would contribute, but for his ability to help complete the list.

I'd also add Metafilter.
posted by vito90 at 8:18 AM on October 22, 2001

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