Choose the Harlequine King to be tricked or the Moth-er Moth to be consumed...
July 13, 2012 8:52 PM   Subscribe

"My friends. I offer you a gift. The true music of my muse - intimate, esoteric, thoughtful. Lyrical and instrumental, possessed of spirit... thee, Harlequine!"

Dylan M. Blackthorn, accordion squeezer deluxe for THAT Damned Band, invites you to follow his muse by downloading one of two (quite delightful) new solo albums.
posted by Catblack (1 comment total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
That page rather reminds me of some notebooks of poetry I wrote in high school, rediscovered in my recent move. I trashed all but one as a physical reminder of 1) just how damn powerful the manic angst of youth was; 2) I was a lot better about not letting my inner censor shut down creative output, and 3) that just because something is earnestly created does not mean it should be shared.

I checked out some of the tracks on "Chicanery" (which is such a great word). Liked the title track the best; it's fun and feels complete. A number of the other songs I checked out felt unfinished or like a first draft of something. Tried to keep an open mind, but wish I'd just downloaded the album without reading the page; I wonder if I'd have a different overall opinion of the music? (or is that muse-ic? :rimshot:)

Speaking of censors, I couldn't tell if the typos were some attempt at channelling his inner e e cummings or the consequence of abandoning himself so completely to his ... muse.
posted by smirkette at 10:59 AM on July 14, 2012

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