April 8, 2013 7:53 AM   Subscribe


It turns out sometimes when cats move in super slow motion they actually just look that much more like demons from the black abyss with their fangs and their yellow eyes and THEY ARE WATCHING ALWAYS WATCHING.

I am not calm.
posted by kbanas at 8:07 AM on April 8, 2013 [6 favorites]

I clicked on this.
posted by infini at 8:27 AM on April 8, 2013

One of those turns out to be 'slow motion visit to an extremely nice upper middle class home with a really beautiful persian rug".
posted by Frowner at 8:31 AM on April 8, 2013 [1 favorite]

posted by Krazor at 8:36 AM on April 8, 2013

OK roll out the spin off slomo videos - babies, grandparents, models licking, yawning, leaping ...
posted by Surfurrus at 9:49 AM on April 8, 2013

Oh god, when they blow dry the kitten. If I had a kitten it would be so sick of getting blow dried.
posted by Ad hominem at 9:55 AM on April 8, 2013 [2 favorites]

Was it anger?
posted by Jilder at 10:26 AM on April 8, 2013

One of those turns out to be 'slow motion visit to an extremely nice upper middle class home with a really beautiful persian rug".

I believe that's the Too Cute TV show video -- they often profile pets that live in very nice homes.
posted by joseph conrad is fully awesome at 11:13 AM on April 8, 2013

Calming? Slow cats are terrifying!
posted by salvia at 2:00 PM on April 8, 2013

Maru yawned. I yawned.
posted by Anitanola at 8:22 PM on April 8, 2013

Slow black panther is big and impressive.

Slow black kitteh is scary as hell!
posted by BlueHorse at 9:59 PM on April 8, 2013

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