Christian Zander's abstract generative art
May 6, 2014 8:30 PM   Subscribe

Christian Zander may have a commercial design background, he has a significant amount of work in a more abstract, generative style, as seen in his House and Bike blog posts, and strewn among his work portfolio. He has also worked with animations, both live (Kiss Kiss Kiss - "Ponte 25") and recorded (Kenton Slash Demon - "Ore" / I Got You On Tape - "Run From The Rain").
posted by filthy light thief (2 comments total) 9 users marked this as a favorite
These are neat, thank you for posting them. Sorry more people aren't commenting, they're interesting. It's a bit hard to walk through the site presentation to see the art. I wish he sold prints

The work on view is really diverse, a bunch of different themes. I like the geometric work he's tagging processing, the generative tiled stuff (presumably built in Processing). Reminds me a bit of Andy Gilmore's generative art (previously). I like the Arabic geometry-like imagery, for me it connects to L'Atlas. This delicate tracery reminds me of Scott Snibbe's work for Biophilia.
posted by Nelson at 10:06 AM on May 7, 2014

Very nice in small doses. I'm looking at one or two at a time, more then that and my attention wanders.
posted by Canageek at 10:46 PM on May 7, 2014

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