A new language of love.
August 6, 2014 6:55 AM   Subscribe

The Love App. Digital life and couples culture in South Korea.
posted by xowie (5 comments total) 7 users marked this as a favorite
Reminds me, you know for awhile that they had digital frames for sale in tech shops? You could record a short clip and it'd auto-play on a small screen. Too gimmicky for me and they look tacky compared to old photo frames. I feel like Between is something similar because a person in a relationship can post all kinds of snippets of a convo or memory but in the end it's just incomplete.

It's not so much as a "living" memory but a memento of a happier time.

Thanks for posting the article, I like reading about innovative tech and how it affects society.
posted by chrono_rabbit at 8:22 AM on August 6, 2014

What happens when you break up and want to Between with somebody new? Are all your previous memories deleted?
posted by signal at 11:58 AM on August 6, 2014

More evidence that Simon and Martina are awful.

Pretty interesting article, despite.
posted by Joseph Gurl at 4:27 PM on August 6, 2014

signal: "What happens when you break up and want to Between with somebody new? Are all your previous memories deleted?"

Pretty sure the developer will include a delete all data except for app function JIC.
posted by chrono_rabbit at 5:14 PM on August 6, 2014

Couples digital culture is also happening in US but it's evolving a bit differently. (I started Avocado, which works like Between but has a US audience.)

One funny thing we've learned…the biggest break-up day for people using a couples or family app is St. Patrick's Day. By far.

The biggest reconciliation day? The day following.
posted by massless at 10:45 PM on August 6, 2014

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