Niches of Trust
January 27, 2002 4:21 PM   Subscribe

Niches of Trust is an Online Journalism Review article about three 'consumer journalism' sites run by individuals who come from journalism backgrounds. They do something now rare in corporate media - provide honest information separate from advertiser influence and, when necessary, are critical of the business or product being reviewed. The sites are The Car Place, Theme Park Insider and Consumer World. What are your favorite run-by-one-person sites that provide critical analysis of products?
posted by fleener (5 comments total)
These guys are crusaders against bad candy.
posted by RylandDotNet at 5:33 PM on January 27, 2002

I've always enjoyed Inconspicuous Consumption, but it's not necessarily critical of products, just observant and wry.
posted by JDC8 at 9:31 PM on January 27, 2002 -- as a parent, I'm glad that someone is obsessive/insane enough to sit through just about every movie with a notepad, capturing detail like this.
posted by luser at 2:01 AM on January 28, 2002

WOW! is detailed! I agree, that's a great resource for parents. (Although I can't believe anyone's obsessive/insane enough to record all that stuff, either. :)
posted by verdezza at 3:21 AM on January 28, 2002

Here is a niche sites that I like a lot. Good design. Great photos. Awesome content. - for basketball shoes.

It almost makes me wish that I liked basketball shoes... sheesh.

Plus they're this committed. I imagine them taping or tivoing every game amd then pausing it constantly with "Oh, I see now, those aren't the Jordan Mids, they're definitely the highs..."
posted by zpousman at 10:29 AM on January 28, 2002

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