Brain tumor suspect guilty, again.
February 7, 2002 2:52 PM   Subscribe

Brain tumor suspect guilty, again. A follow-up to this, wherein a man tried to blame his brain tumor for his walking uninvited into his neighbors' house and getting into bed with the wife, who freaked when she realized what was going on. Last week, he was convicted of stalking. On Monday, the judge convicted him of sexual abuse and burglary. The previous story left some unanswered questions. I can't answer all of them, but there's more info inside.
posted by diddlegnome (2 comments total)
People posting on the earlier thread wondered why Smith, the defendant, didn't have a doctor testify about the effects of the tumor that he blamed for his behavior. My wife, who covered the trial, says Smith did talk to a psychiatrist but that the psychiatrist didn't testify. She isn't sure why, or why no medical doctor came to Smith's defense. She was unwilling to blame bad lawyering; in her judgment, the defense attorney -- a former prosecutor -- is no flake.

I asked her whether the defense was just grasping at a straw. She was noncommittal, but it certainly looks that way to me.
posted by diddlegnome at 2:53 PM on February 7, 2002

Hey! This is America! I don't have to be responsibe for my own actions. I just have to be able to find and afford a lawyer crafty enough to scape-goat them.
posted by Nauip at 5:03 PM on February 7, 2002

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