A Film By Steven Vander Meer : Seven Mermen Farted Viably
July 4, 2015 3:19 AM   Subscribe

"Salmon Deadly Sins"* is an animated film hand-drawn on over 5000 salmon-colored index cards, with sins, fish, fishbones, and other stuff... and anagrams. Single Link Vimeo (Smiling Oven Like)

*My Denials And Loss
Mindlessly As A Nod
Dismal and Sly Ones
Oily Sand Send Alms
Malady Ends In Loss
So Many Landslides
And Sadly Smiles On
posted by oneswellfoop (4 comments total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
That was great!

The music helped it a lot. It drove it forward and gave it an exciting pulse. I kinda want it for a gym mix.
posted by painquale at 4:55 AM on July 4, 2015

Comment #2: That was great.

But the frantic banjo music killed it for me.
posted by kozad at 7:01 AM on July 4, 2015 [2 favorites]

Fantastic. Thanks!
posted by tickingclock at 11:27 AM on July 4, 2015

Steven Vander Meer also makes awesome artsy strange rubber stamps, which were a staple of my childhood toybox.
posted by mollymayhem at 1:02 AM on July 5, 2015 [1 favorite]

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