All roads lead to receiving.
December 4, 2015 9:09 AM   Subscribe

Curious about the largest single-site jail in the country? The Cook County Department of Corrections has you covered with a frankly fascinating series of short videos touring the jail's eleven divisions.

Division I - [REDACTED]
Division II and III (annex) - minimum
Division III and IV - the women
Division V and VI - the hub
Division IX - maximum
Division X - medical
Division XI - panopticon
posted by theodolite (6 comments total) 12 users marked this as a favorite
I could be imagining things, but I get the feeling that the videographer was trying to tell a very different story.
posted by theodolite at 9:20 AM on December 4, 2015 [2 favorites]

One of the very worst jails too!
posted by agregoli at 9:31 AM on December 4, 2015

Where else can someone with a criminal record make a quick grand for sleeping on the floor?
posted by srboisvert at 9:35 AM on December 4, 2015

Where are you getting that, srboisvert?
posted by agregoli at 10:52 AM on December 4, 2015

Really, it's this:

American Me:

[Prison bell ringing]

[COP1]: Ain't nobody talkin' when I'm talkin' fellas so shut the fuck up. The following items you place in the envelope as I call em off. An empty wallet, legal paperwork. First 3, out of the tank

[COP2]: Line up, single file on the bench, let's go.

Open your mouths, stick out your tongue.

Alright, do your ears, one at a time. Okay, bend your heads over, shake 'em out with your fingers. Hands above your head, hands out in front of you. Over. Move those fingers.

Reach down and lift your nutsacks. Drop your nutsacks and skin back your dick. Turn back around. One foot at a time, pick it up and wiggle the toes. Other foot. Bend over, grab your ass, spread your cheeks and give me two good coughs.

If you're familiar with Ice Cube's Predator album, that sequence is the first track.

But yeah, the way the people running the place talk about it, wow. Not the best and brightest, some of them - but they're definitely incipiently fascistic.

I mean, I guess it's a job, but the guy who says "all roads lead to receiving..." He's way too into the control he exercises over processing other human beings.

At 0:25 here in the intro sequence, you've got numbers being written onto someone's arm with a permanent marker. We probably understand why that's a problem, right?
posted by mandolin conspiracy at 8:29 PM on December 4, 2015

Where are you getting that, srboisvert?

Cook County Jail lost a class action suit for overcrowding where inmates were packed in so tight that many had to sleep on the floor. The settlement was a grand per inmate.

Chicago is the land of endless expensive political/civil fuckups and corruption paid for by the residents.
posted by srboisvert at 3:05 PM on December 6, 2015

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