"All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm almost ready for my close-up."
May 26, 2016 10:53 AM   Subscribe

Come for the derp, stay for the full frontal of the Sphinx cat.
posted by Kitteh at 10:55 AM on May 26, 2016 [11 favorites]

I disagree that the desert rain frog picture there is unflattering. That's about as flattering a picture of a desert rain frog as I can imagine.
posted by baf at 10:57 AM on May 26, 2016 [6 favorites]

I'd like to submit this for your amusement.
posted by FirstMateKate at 10:57 AM on May 26, 2016 [28 favorites]

The owl that is clearly listening to someone owlsplaining...YES.
posted by Sophie1 at 10:59 AM on May 26, 2016 [2 favorites]

Go home, owl, you're drunk.
posted by bondcliff at 11:02 AM on May 26, 2016 [5 favorites]

of course the cats are still all "I planned this"
posted by zutalors! at 11:03 AM on May 26, 2016

FirstMateKate, that is brilliant. In every sense.
posted by palmcorder_yajna at 11:04 AM on May 26, 2016 [1 favorite]

FirstMateKate, that is the essence of dogness.
posted by Johnny Wallflower at 11:06 AM on May 26, 2016 [2 favorites]

The next time we have an unbearably hot day, I'm using that polar bear pic for my Facebook profile.

Thanks !!
posted by marsha56 at 11:18 AM on May 26, 2016

Came for the animals, stayed for the Urban Mexican Teen Haircuts.
posted by misterpatrick at 11:18 AM on May 26, 2016

I have mental captions for every picture. I can't stop laughing.
posted by Splunge at 11:52 AM on May 26, 2016

I thought the subjects in that Urban Mexican Teen Haircuts related link looked familiar; probably from this shoot that I rabbit-trailed into a few days ago.
posted by xedrik at 12:03 PM on May 26, 2016

Animals, they're just like us!
posted by tommasz at 12:33 PM on May 26, 2016

I'd like to submit this for your amusement.

"Taste the rainbow!"
posted by The Bellman at 12:53 PM on May 26, 2016 [1 favorite]

That was awesome.
posted by shelleycat at 12:54 PM on May 26, 2016

Definitely my goto next time I need an avatar image.
posted by sammyo at 1:05 PM on May 26, 2016

that polar bear looks like how I feel
posted by numaner at 1:53 PM on May 26, 2016

Go home, owl, you’re drunk.

It’s been over for some time, but let’s remember the joy that was Hungover Owls.
posted by Going To Maine at 3:08 PM on May 26, 2016 [2 favorites]

...and here's one of my dogs. The derpy one, of course.
posted by workerant at 3:25 PM on May 26, 2016

...and just like that, our trivia team's name has changed to the Photobombing Llamas. Quizzo, take note.
posted by jacy at 4:06 PM on May 26, 2016

All I can think when I see the pic and/or read the words 'desert rain frog' is...

I miss youuuuuu....like the deserts miss the rain
posted by museum of fire ants at 4:32 PM on May 26, 2016

Sad and Useless.com is one of the best "image dump" sites on the internet. (Which, admittedly, is a low bar to achieve) I've never seen more funny sadness than I've seen there.
posted by oneswellfoop at 8:14 PM on May 26, 2016

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