April 5, 2002 4:29 AM   Subscribe

wired on mar 28, wired.com say Privacy Gets Some Respect.... April 2, a completely different theory. inconsistent magazine? or both sides of the story?
posted by bliss322 (4 comments total)
mefi on apr 05, metafilter.com say 'Your comment is currently being previewed, hit post to commit it or continue editing below'...
posted by jcterminal at 4:37 AM on April 5, 2002

bliss, I would say it's rather a magazine looking at an inconsistent world.
posted by dhartung at 8:20 AM on April 5, 2002

Here's the obligatory comment pointing out that Wired News (the Web site) has nothing to do with Wired (the magazine), except that a few years ago they used to be run by the same company. Even then, though, they were separate editorial operations.
posted by jjg at 9:09 AM on April 5, 2002

if you read the two articles, they're distinguishable in that the first deals with a decrease in information gathering through hidden cookies, while the second deals with an increase in spam and spyware. i see no reason that these two situations would be mutually exclusive or even contradictory of one another - simply two trends occurring in different aspects of the marketplace. major sites that draw visitors collecting those visitors' data is a whole different concept from some company i've never heard of spying on me when i install kazaa. the first is a violation of trust (which i'm glad to hear are decreasing); the second is violation, plain and simple. and that's scary.

either way, i think wired.com is just doing its job, well as always.
posted by ab3 at 9:34 AM on April 5, 2002

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